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True Anthropomorphic Race Mods Ideas


Anthro Beast Race Mods  

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Is this thread still alive? Came across this in a search from the front page of this thread




& when I noticed this it reminded me of these guys from another Bungie game called myth -




They're called the Trow. Basically they are gigantic humanoid creatures around 14/15 feet tall with elephantine feet which they use to side kick men with devastating consequences. Generally they can take out several to a dozen men, sometimes more before they get turned to stone and die. Here's another image -




At the bottom right you can see a man's head which gives you some idea of the scale. They also tend to have latin names like Pernix Ultor, Saxum Pugnus, Pulvis Ira, Fractum Atrox and so on. Here is a link - http://myth.bungie.org/legends/encyclopedia/who.html you can find names under Trow which is quite a ways down. Thought it would be rather cool if guys could be found wandering around different regions of Skyrim. Obviously men and soldiers would want to avoid them at all costs as they walk very fast stomping rather loundly and kill without pity or remorse indiscriminately and regard humans as inferior. They also have a tendancy for their skin colour to somewhat blend with the landscape vegetation ie. forest they have a greenish tint to their skin, where as in snow or cold regions they have a blueish turquoise tint. Otherwise they tend to be more grey but you get what I mean. I know they aren't exactly lore friendly but I figured they'd blend in pretty well into the Skyrim landscape.


I think it would be really cool to see more dangerous humanoid races/creatures in Skyrim landscape as there isn't much besides humans and trolls. Is it just playable race ideas your looking for by the way, or non-playable/creatures as well?

Edited by tempestseeker
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Avians would be intresting as no one seems to have begun to make one. Not even a work in progress mod. It would be nice if that race also had digitigrade legs and maybe wings. A lot of the bases for the skeleton are already there though edits would likely need to be made. Vanilla animations and overall lack of care for creatures tails is unpleasant. They seem more than anything to be tacked on along with obviously rushed hands and feet of all vanilla actors in the game. Basically everything ended up rushed at crunch time and anything like a tail foot hand or other extremity. Though I am often dissapointed by the lack of beast race mods. Also on a side note beast races are awesome and intresting and not another copy pasted elf/human/orc thingie is nice to even HAVE. Still things could've been done better if the devs wern't rushed and certain groups were not actively discriminated against in Skyrim's modding community. Still Avians for both that fact that feathers are pretty and birds are awesome oh and for uniqueness I guess... Won my vote! (And sorry for just spewing words here everyone I pulled an accidental all-nighter and its four in the morning here soo yeah sorry!!)

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This thread is still open give more ideas and this thread have Lots of good ideas even the art are taken and this thread is full of not crap


and allso another thread i saw about anthro races around here on the forum got full of lore-friendly ideas and so..


Can you please give more Non-Lore Ideas and so?


Hmm Otter race could fit on any elderscrolls orsergal yeah or more lupines or maybe hehe plushies or more

Edited by FenrisSilverTail
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