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True Anthropomorphic Race Mods Ideas


Anthro Beast Race Mods  

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Honestly I would like the idea of this mod. You would think that having wolves and werewolves that the anthro wolf would have come along somewhere. (magic spell gone wrong?) I would download this as soon as it came out. Even if it isn't "lore friendly" it wouldn't be the only non lore friendly mod out there now would it? If you don't want it then you don't have to download it,but there are some people who really would love to see this mod but cannot code beyond a bit of c++ or even less. now I haven't used the creation kit but wouldn't it be possible to use either the khajiit or argonian skeleton, tweak that a bit so it would have haunches and a realistic wolf head (aka muzzle length), replace the tail with the werewolf tail, and go? One last idea, why not make the sprint four legged (as done with the werewolf sprint) but only able to use sprint if unarmed? Now these are just my ideas and they may or may not work.


Main point: I would love to see an anthro wolf mod.

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at the point of magic gone wrong...

i remember a little converstation between a mage a barkeep in winterhold ending with * this is why people have problems with your college*


so with that effect and some crazy alterationists with a dab of sheogorath whipped into it pretty much allraces are lorefriendly if you give them a backstory

Hell i wonder why is there no Halftrolls


on top i do wonder if the entire world is found i mean we know of a few set islands and continets to the east of cyrodil iirc i find it hard to belive noone has explored to the west and found something there.


things only become as lorefriendly as you make it, we're here to mod our game you get the mods that YOU feel is possible for this world. i gt to vote on 1 option but i want them all


P.S did i mention i want halftrolls?

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Seriosly... Something like an insect race is missing... Like prawns from district 9

Edited by Derok
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