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True Anthropomorphic Race Mods Ideas


Anthro Beast Race Mods  

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I voted for avians race.


Maybe like the "Tengu" from "Guild Wars" ? Look like this :






Really love the look of the first image. Got my vote for the avians.

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I honestly dont understand why over a year since release and thousands of mods later no one has done anything like the Wolven Anthros and anthro dragon races (one could even fly!) for Skyrim..


There's like 1 mod thats a simple canine-ish race but it hasn't been worked on in months. And theres 1 anthro dragon race but it lacks flight and is incompatible with a lot of armor.


Why hasn't anyone taken any real interest like they did in Oblivion?..

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I have implemented 2 custom beast races you can transform into: Alpha werewolf and Green Bane. If someone gives me appropriate graphical resources with additional flying animations (I want the beast to use werewolf animations) I will implement a new flying race with collision detection. The flight trajector will be influanced by gravity and wind.
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The Naga race from TES lore. They are an argonian breed, 7 feet tall, black skin and eyes, similar to puff adders but with both arms and legs. I'd love to see this race in Skyrim.

EDIT: Just remembered of a vulpine race I found in the steam workshop. Also Drachis returned to modding so we could use his textures for an awesome dragon race when the mod it's finished.

Edited by Derok
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The Nagas Don't have Legs Derok

Careful with this. You never know "which" Nagas were meant.

Derok was talking of Nagas from Elder Scrolls lore. ES lore and outside world definitions very often don't match.


There is a race called "dragons" in ES lore, which in common fantasy definitions only matches "Wyvern" and even contradicts dragons in many people's expectations.

There could as well be a race called "Nagas" in ES lore, which does have arms and legs, whereas the outside world definition of "Nagas" is a snake body with only arms.


Derok mentioning ES lore before going into describing the Nagas should at least have made you thinking of the possibility he might have read up their ES definition before typing it.

If Derok did read up the ES lore definition of "Nagas" and they do have arms and legs on Nirn, then it'd be "you" in the wrong here, trying to correct him.


To me it matters not. I'm crossing a world-boundary when going to Nirn and every relation to outside world definitions is lost in the process. Just because something is "named" the same, I'm not at all expecting it to "be" the same.

To me these things simply are their Nirn'ian versions. It's Nirn'ian Dragons Akatosh and Skyrim refer to, and it's most likely also Nirn'ian Nagas Derok described. They're entirely different and no connection to their outside-of-Nirn namesakes can be drawn, nor should it be.


I'm faring very well with this way of thinking btw. Let's me enjoy things as what they are, without constantly analyzing definition conflicts and unfulfilled expectations.

(Remember Battlestar Galactica, the new series? It is actually a great story of its own, as long as you don't try to draw connections to the old Galactica from 19-something and see the conflicts. I didn't and I enjoyed them both to the max.!)

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If you want true nagas, half snake half man, then this is the race for you:



I love the naga race (the one from Black Marsh) and I think I could do an actual try at texturing. I looked for TES nagas concept arts but I can't find anything. Someone knows a species of snake I could use as reference?

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Well, atending to lore Lore: Races this are the anthropomorphic races that you could add:


Imga (apes)

Lilmothiit (fox-like beast race)

Sload (sluglike beastmen)


And these are the non present "weresomething" in Tamriel:








I'd love to see any of those, but if I had to go for one, I'd chose Werevulture.

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