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Tsun's armor


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It's unplayable .. You can't loot it. You can spawn it (won't show in inventory) and force it on yourself via console, but not sure it looks as it should and surely lacks in defense and is not enchantable.


Gee I hoped to play topless huge Nord, but it's not possible thanks to the pants + shirt being one set. Tsun would be awesome, only other choice is fur, which is weak and ugly as hell tho :biggrin:


Would be cool if someone could take a look on it. Someone with -the- skills.

Also, free bumb.

Edited by elvinkun
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it needs to be marked as playable first, then you can get it (maybe), otherwise you can only force equip that by console command


still, I guess it would be male only..

... When I said "Topless Nord in Tsuns armor" I meant overly muscular Conan-like guy with a twohander, not a woman, damnit :biggrin:

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it needs to be marked as playable first, then you can get it (maybe), otherwise you can only force equip that by console command


still, I guess it would be male only..

... When I said "Topless Nord in Tsuns armor" I meant overly muscular Conan-like guy with a twohander, not a woman, damnit :biggrin:


OOOC0165 ArmorTsunCuirass

000C0166 AnnofTsunBoots


use those, not sure if you can enchant them but it will spawn you the armor to inventory

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Give it a month, Soon as the CK comes out you'll be able to make it playable. Or some one will make a copy of it some where in game. Say in a chest, from a vender or even as a quest reward.
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Give it a month, Soon as the CK comes out you'll be able to make it playable. Or some one will make a copy of it some where in game. Say in a chest, from a vender or even as a quest reward.

I think that every singly topic in this category exists only because people don't want to wait way up to two months for CK which might or might not be free (ok, that might be a bit of a rant right here) and might or might not be good.


Thing is, it's quite easy to edit it to be playable / upgradeable / stronge with previous experience in the area ... But noone wants to do it or knows how to exactly. :biggrin:

Edited by elvinkun
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there is a all aromors mod out already on the nexus I forgot the name but I use it... then type coc qasmoke go to the all standard armors pluck Tsuns armor out of it wear and enjoy.

Yes, but gibbed forgot to add Tsuns armor, did only Tsuns boots, so no game there :biggrin:

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