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Cant play it anymore


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Don't get me wrong I like the game but the frame rate drops are giving me a headache to the point where I can not play it anymore .... I hope they make Prey:2 run steady at 60 frames ! I can almost max out BF3 at 70 frames but with SKYRIM I can not even put the settings to high :wallbash: without frames dropping below 20 .


Crossfire Radeon 6xxx series and CPU OC 4.2


Have you tried the FPS Limiter? I was having the same issues as you, frame rates dropping from 60 down to 28 up to 35... you get idea. So I capped my FPS at 30. Now it is nice and smooth with occasional split-second drops to 28-29 before shooting back up to 30 in Markarth/dwemer ruins/multiple NPC's attacking me. After trying the fixes suggested above, try this one. Who knows? Maybe it will help.


- AV

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