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Assissin additions


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My idea is simply this, a way to increase the tactical side of being a sneak character. So far right now it is mostly moving up behind the character and slitting their throat. Here are a few modifications on how to make it more tactical.


An ability (not spell, so you can do it with your daggars in hand) that uses stamina, and cast on a light source. The cast would drop the light source to zero, kind of like a Dark Elf inate ability to cast darkness into an area (DnD)


A teleport ability that you cast, then shoot your arrow (like Guild Wars 2 will be doing). When the arrow lands, you teleport to that location. I can see this might be unstable, so would need to have a short duration, to prevent someone from launching an arrow out into the countryside and teleporting to an area that hasnt loaded in yet.


Increased enemy stealth detection when not in shadows (forcing the player to either snuff them out with the above spell, or teleport to the next shadow area)


Additional animations for backstab (Not that the original one is bad, but deus ex HR showed us that more is better!)


Weapons designed for this sort of game play (like a dagger that when you perform a successful sneak kill turns you invis for 5 seconds)


This is just off the top of my head, but the idea has been kicking around with me since Oblivion. If anyone would like to actually chat more on this, hit me up [email protected]


Thanks for all the mods so far, you guys are doing GREAT!

Edited by coronbale
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