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[REQ] Flat-Chested Females?


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I want to shrink my khajiit character down to child-size and play her as a sort of street urchin turned adventurer. Playing as a child, I'd like for her to be pre-puberty / flat-chested. Basically, I was thinking of something like attaching female heads to thin male bodies could work to save effort / complete armor graphic overhauls. It's not a perfect solution, but it would be something to make-do with.


Also, I'm not a fan of breasts on lizards and cats, so it would be nice to have the option to "flatten" the adults out as well.


If anyone could help, they would be much appreciated!



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I am desperately waiting to play a female Khajiit kitten also. Unfortunately the Children of Cyrodiil work around is only for the humanoid races and not the beast races as yet. I have an idea that we may have to await the release of the Creation Kit before anything can be done. Still it's not a bad idea throwing the idea out there for anyone who might be interested in doing this.




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I think playing a tiny khajiit would be both cute and fun.

Use the console command "player.setscale .80" and go from there. I've found that .80 for female Khajiits looks the best. .85 seems to work best for Toms. Sure, you're not a "child" Khajiit, but there's no issues with anything (except chopping wood looks precarious).

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