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Weirdest graphical glitch and wonky stamina


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Hey guys,



I just started a new playthrough 2 or 3 days ago and today something really strange started happening. I'm not using my own pc atm so I cannot show you a screenshot, but I can explain: my character turns black or invisible, more often black than invisible, when in an interior with weapons sheathed and not jumping. So when walking/running, haven't tried sprinting or I don't remember. Completely black. Armor, skin, hair, weapon. Like a shadow. Or completely invisible, no glow from an effect, just invisible.

When I jump, during the time in the air the character is visible and when weapon or spell drawn, the character turns visible. And she is visible at all times in exteriors.


First I thought it could be a copyarmor glitch, but unequipping armor did not help. Reloading an older save eventually made the blackness bug/invisibug show its face again. It's not VRAM, because once it starts happening, it starts from closing the game and re-opening it already. Nothing else in my game behaves this way. I have HDT hair and i know HDT followers and horses can disappear for a short while, but they dont behave like this and hiding the hair underneath a helmet does not work either. What could it be? The first few hours were 100% fine. Maybe a restart of my entire computer (so firing it up when I wake up) will fix it, but just in case I want to ask this before trying that. Maybe when I wake up the restart wont work and this thread will have an answer.



As for the stamina, I respec my characters using bat files, to be able to switch between characters and keep track of their individual skills, attributes, perks, etc. This is the first time I've done this, but my stamina got wonky when respeccing a lvl 11 to a lvl 1. Sometimes stamina shows up as much more than it should be and sometimes, often when going to another cell it drops to way to low. Yet other times it is correct. This went back and forth in the 1 - 2 hours I've been playing and happened during the same time I experienced the graphical bug (but no, not respeccing the character did not prevent the graphical bug). I used the player.setav stamina 100 command. No buffs other than 10 extra points in all stats magicka/health/stamina was applied. Magicka and health work correctly. Same commands used. Why could my stamina jump up and down after using the command? forceav only makes things worse, same goes for modav.


Thanks and good night (morning) guys,



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I think it may have to do with Copy Armor (Transmogrify), in combination with ambient lighting: here's what I have posted there. Maybe someone knows?

I have the full steel set (cuirass without pauldrons, cuffed boots, nordic gauntlets, horned helmet, steel sword). I copied the stats for the armor pieces + the shield to a new armor. Now, if I unequip everything I wear or have in my hands, my character turns completely black. If I equip even a weapon that has not been copied, as weapons cannot be copied, my character gets its color back. The character is only black if everything is unequipped, I believe it's especially about the hands, because wearing an armor but no weapon or shield still keeps my character black. Maybe the shield is the problem here?
It also only stays black, when in interiors and when weapons are sheathed. Drawing weapons (actually raising hands, or drawing spells, as there is no weapon equipped) or going outside, makes the character get its color back. Sheating and going back inside again, makes the character black again. Picking up a weapon gives color back, but magic does not.
I encountered this because I play with several characters in 1 savegame, thanks to respecs through bat files that are named after my characters. I switched to my mage and thus had no weapons equipped and now every time my mage is in an interior (I also mean this happens in dungeons) with weapons sheathed, this mage turns completely black.

It would be great if this was somehow fixed, if the problem is indeed with this mod. I expect shields to be the culprit, but I would first like some confirmation. Starting a whole new game resulted in the same bug, so... it should be possible to replicate the issue, if it's indeed this mod.

EDIT: new insight, it seems to only happen when ambient lighting hits 0. For me, that's in interiors, or at night. It happened to me at night while testing and turning off my ENB, Sharpshooters classic, fixed it. But since I want the ENB turned on, it's not really a fix?

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