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MCM SkyUI option not showing in-game


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So, recently I'd been getting a lot of lag in dungeons and I figured it was because one or more of my mods. I decided to Google it beforehand and someone had a few lines of text to add to the Skyrim.ini. I did that, and it worked well. There was a little bit of lag every so often, but certainly not the unplayable 1-2 FPS I was getting before.


The next day, I did the Thieves Guild quest in the Irkngthand dungeon. After a certain point, the lag was back again and even worse than it was before. So, I started disabling mods until I seemed to find the apparent culprit -- SkyUI. With every other one of my mods enabled, there was very limited lag so it seemed SkyUI was the issue here and I intended to figure out why but I wanted to finish the dungeon first.


From my initial search, I actually did not find any reason why SkyUI would make me lag in dungeons. I decided that, since I'm done with the dungeon now, I'll turn it back on. Well, SkyUI does work just fine when I get in-game. However, the settings option for it in the MCM window now does not show up. I tried disable/re-enabling SkyUI, reinstalling it, even uninstalling it and then installing it clean. It still does not show up. If I go back to an older save, I do see it in the MCM window but not the save I made after finishing Irkngthand. Also, for some strange reason, when I have SkyUI enabled and then load that save I get the 'This save relies on content no longer present' message. When I have SkyUI disabled I don't get that message on loading the save.


I am running ENBSeries 0.308, SKSE version 1.7.3 r48. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/x8c4LSG.jpg

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You have corrupted your save by uninstalling a Mod & continuing your playthru. Now you know that all the horror stories are true & it not safe to remove mods. Also SkyUI was never your problem, most probably your was save already corrupted by other bad modding practices you have. Throw your save in bin & start again.

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You have corrupted your save by uninstalling a Mod & continuing your playthru. Now you know that all the horror stories are true & it not safe to remove mods. Also SkyUI was never your problem, most probably your was save already corrupted by other bad modding practices you have. Throw your save in bin & start again.

Ha ha... I don't think so. At the very worst, I'll just have to go back through the dungeon at the last point I saved (roughly before halfway through) and just deal with the lag. The problems with what your suggesting is that you're presuming way too much. Firstly, I only started modding just two weeks ago. I followed every step of this guide and asked questions along the way to make sure I did everything right. I certainly learned from the guide not to have any "bad modding practices" as it tells you how to deal with specific scenarios.


Secondly, all of the mods that have now are the only mods I've been using since the beginning - and I started with a clean save on a cleanly installed Skyrim. If you'd like to see the list of mods I have, here they are. I have nowhere near as many mods as most people do, so again that certainly wouldn't go towards "bad modding practices." Again, the only times it would lag is when I'm in dungeons, so if you'd care to elaborate on how my save was corrupted, please do so. Instead of throwing accusations, it would be far more appreciated for you to either offer some kind of assistance or just not reply at all. Thanks.

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ELFX needs to go before SMIM the flicker fix goes under both smim and ELFX.


Climate of tamriel and ELFX weathers are not compatible.


Race menu needs to be put right after skyui.


Showrace menu precache killer is integrated in racemenu now!

Edited by Project579
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Good to see some one who use the only method of fixing Skyrim approved by Bethseda, I gladly take bad my comments & stand corrected. But I have one Question.


  1. I notice that you have 4 Unofficial Patches in left panel, so I sincerely hope that have not use them all on this playthru?

Edit Typo

Edited by PeterMartyr
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ELFX needs to go before SMIM the flicker fix goes under both smim and ELFX.


Climate of tamriel and ELFX weathers are not compatible.


Race menu needs to be put right after skyui.


Showrace menu precache killer is integrated in racemenu now!

All right, I can switch the mod order around and see what happens but I'm surprised. I must've ran LOOT a million times after adding new mods and just in general. Also shouldn't MO inform me if mods are incompatible with each other?


Here's what my mod order looks like now: http://i.imgur.com/R8EZmye.png


I did try launching the game after doing it this way, but the SkyUI option still doesn't show in the MCM window.




Good to see some who use the only method of fixing Skyrim approved by Bethseda, I gladly take bad my comments & stand corrected. But I have one Question


  1. I notice that you have 4 Unofficial Patches in left panel, so I sincerely hope that have not use them all on this playthru?


No, that's why they're left unchecked. I did ask specifically about this, too. The guide I linked says to download all of the unofficial patches, if you have all the DLC, but not to actually use them.

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Cool I glad you didn't use them wise move.


HINT the left Hand Panel mirrors Right Hand Panel for 90% of time


Racemenu & SkyUI don't conflict I have no idea what Project talking about.

I was speaking about the load order not the left pane

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You should reinstall smim and select the full version so you only have 1 esp for everything.


This is how your load order should be:


Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
The Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
ELFX - Exteriors.esp
(CalienteVanillaArmorTweaks.esp)<---you can merge it inside the bash patch


Bashed Patch, 0.esp
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