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Issues with my CBBE/BodySlide


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Hello, I have two issues with my CBBE/BodySlide. I have something like a ripple effect going through the bodies on the NPCs (nude bodies). It is like waves of lines moving and repeating. Also, I have this issue with BodySlide. It is not fully working for me. I have opened BodySlide and created a new preset under CBBE Body HDT. Then, I chose my slider settings. Then, I did Build. After that I even did a Batch Build and selected CBBE Body HDT. The program gave me the success message and I went ahead and looked to see if the files were updated (they did). When I launched the game I found that the first NPC is working properly outfit/nude body. The second NPC had the body that I modified but had the old small outfit. The third NPC had a larger size outfit which matches the body that I have selected in BodySlider. Though, its nude body was the unmodified body. I am trying to figure out those issues? Does anyone have any information on this?


This is my installation order of my mods:


Calinetes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
BodySlide and Outfit Studio
Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
HDT Physics Extensions
HDT Breast And Butt Physics (=Standard - With collision-54044-v1-4)
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
NPC Overhaul
Bijin Warmaidens
Bijin Wives


I have overwritten the files as I went down on that order.




All issues have been resolved.

Edited by hubbawubba
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What you describe is actually impossible, unless the second (or third) NPC was a custom NPC that you may have downloaded from the Nexus.


Here is a few rules of thumb:


1. All Vanilla female actors use the same body mesh and textures as the player....exceptions are:

  • PC or NPC use a custom race...in this case you have to copy the corresponding files into the folder of the custom race...not the usual mesh or texture folder (provided the custom race uses a custom body)
  • The NPC in question is a custom NPC (modded). Fixing is similar as above (again provided your custom NPC uses a custom body...most on the Nexus do)
  • It's a vanilla NPC who belongs to the "Old people race" (thats how skyrim handles old NPCs...kids are handled similarly)

Without a bit more info it's difficult to say anything about that graphics glitch. Can you post a screenshot? I'm leaning a bit out of the window and suppose that it's an incompatibility with the skeleton that the NPC in question was downloaded from the Nexus with. In this case you would have to copy (for example if its a female NPC) the skeleton_female.nif (from your XP32 skeleton) into the respective custom folder and overwrite the skeleton you find there. I advise you to first rename the skeleton you find in the custom folder to for example skeleton_femaleoriginal in case you want to switch back.


Keep the following in mind:

  • Your XP32 skeleton is only applied to all vanilla NPCs
  • It is applied automatically to your PC, if you use a vanilla race
  • You have to manually copy your skeleton to ANY folder which uses custom races/bodies (followers, NPCs, custom races)

It is also possible that your computers graphics card is struggling with the resolution of the body textures. Which is why it looks fine in Bodyslide but not in game since your graphics card has to render more than one body. What is the resolution of the body/armor textures? And the resolution of the specular and normal maps?

Next possibility is similar to the above......It would mean that the physics.xml file is incompatible with the skeleton.


I also see that you use old collission files for the CBBE HDT BBP body...I strongly advise you to switch to these files including the collision objects for NPCs:




Get one of the HDT options under Updates. Your setup as it is will be incompatible with TBBP which is at the top!

Edited by metaforce
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Hello Project579,


I went back to my vanilla source and decided to apply only the mods revolving around CBBE. Here is the list of those mods:


Calinetes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-

BodySlide and Outfit Studio
Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide
Realistic Ragdolls and Force (I do not know if its needed or not, I installed it anyways)
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended


Anyway, I started up my BodySlide and picked my slider settings and applied the settings. Then, I went back to the game. It is exactly the same thing.


metaforce, thanks for the information. This is actually troubling. I do not have any custom NPCs or anything like that. Just the Skryim source plus the mods above. I did not change anything by hand. The resolution in CBBE is ultra. I do not have an issue with with my graphics card. I have done this before and it worked perfectly. If it was a card related issue would not the NPC have random values for example? The NPCs I am talking about are not changing at all. It is the female NPCs from the first town in Skyrim. What is bugging me is that I did this right the first time. Though, I cannot seem to do it right anymore. The NPCs work like the following:


1. An NPC working perfectly in terms of outfit and nude body (the female NPC that cuts wood). In other words, large outfit large body (which I want exactly).

2. An NPC that has the normal vanilla outfit (without expansions) while having the right body that I have picked in body slide which is the old lady by the loom. In other words, normal outfit large body.

3. An NPC that has the right modified large outfit. Though, it has the old unmodified nude small body. In other words, large outfit normal body.


This is really annoying me. Did I at least do the Batch Build step right? Thanks again for your time and information. Much Appreciated.

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The only setting that diversifies body settings for NPCs in the vanilla game is the weight slider setting the individual NPC uses. To change that you would have 2 options. Either you use CK to adjust the weight slider for the individual NPC in question. Second option is to adjust the weight sliders in Bodyslide so that there is no difference in body shape between the "0 weight slider" and the "100 weight slider".

That way every NPC would have exactly the same body shape.


With the mod setup you mentioned in your last post it is completely impossible that 2 given NPCs use different bodies. The only difference would be to which setting the weight slider for the individual NPC is set to.


Tell me a bit more about what the custom body you made with Bodyslide is set to. Is there a significant difference between the 0 weight setting and the 100 weight setting?

If the answer is yes, then all NPCs in the game will use a setting between the 0 and the 100 setting. If you want all NPCs to use exactly the same body, no matter what their weight is set to you have to match your body settings in Bodyslide, so that there is no difference between a body set at 0 weight and 100 weight.


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Thanks for taking an interest in this, metaforce. I have started the slider modifications in High Weight and then after I was done with the preview I clicked <- to make the Low Weight exactly like the High Weight sliver settings. Is there any else I need to do? By the way, I am really new to mods. Do I have to build my new custom body to anything else but HDT? I have tried those in my previous attempts and set the slider settings on CBBE Body and CT77 Body. That did not help ingame though.

Edited by hubbawubba
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Ok...so let's retrace the steps one by one. First it depends if you use Bodyslide or Bodyslide 2. If you use Bodyslide 1 then switch to BS 2. It's simply updated and better. Next important thing is which mod manager you use. Mod Organizer is the best, but it has a very steep learning curve for new users. So I would not advise you to use it. NMM works well enough for your minimal load order. However I also strongly advise you to not install mods manually. As the number of mods you install increases you will at some point loose track of all the eventual scripts and textures you install....and that is a big source for errors.


So the steps in Bodyslide are:


  • Choose CBBE Body HDT in the Outfit/Body dropdown menu at the top
  • Choose CT77 - Body (for example) in the Preset dropdown menu below that
  • Click on the <-- arrow below all the High Weight sliders (or the --> arrow depending on what you want to use) to match Low and High Weight Sliders ( it doesn't actually matter what you set them to as long as "Low Weight" and "High Weight" are the same)
  • In Bodyslide 2 you will only have 1 preview button instead of 2 buttons in old Bodyslide. Click the preview and move the slider at the top to check if Low and High Weight really make no difference
  • Click on Build at the bottom (important sidenote: For this to work properly Bodyslide needs to run with elevation (Administrator rights) in Windows (how you exactly do that depends on which Windows version you use. For Windows 10: Rightclick the Bodyslide.exe --- Properties --- Compatibility tab --- check "Run this program as an administrator")
  • You will get a confirmation message by Windows which you have to confirm
  • Next you get a message by Bodyslide confirming that the Body files have been generated
  • Close Bodyslide

Start up the game and check your PCs body and a few NPCs.

If you do it as I described above, there is absolutely no chance that any female's (bare) body (except kids and old people) will be different from the next. If there is a difference, then you either did not run Bodyslide with Administrator rights or you got leftover mod files haunting your game installation (probably from a past manual installation).

Don't forget to also install CBBE compatible body textures!

Edited by metaforce
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Ok, I have just discovered what is causing this issue (I think), after some frustration. It is the save game files. I downloaded a fresh file without mods:




Then, I started the game and the NPCs were all having the large outfit I gave them (I did not check the nude bodies yet). I do not know how the save files are affecting the NPCs. I know they are affecting them only. Sadly, I have done a long quest which I do not feel like repeating. Is there any way to fix the save file?



Edited by hubbawubba
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Aha....so it was actually leftover scripts in your save game.......a solution is tricky and I can't give a guarantee for success.


First get this mod:




It is a standalone program, so does not go into your loadorder. You can put it anywhere on your PC. It is IMPORTANT to keep all mods you still want to use ACTIVE!!


Start it and do the following


  • Click "Skip the survey" in the popup
  • Click on "Select ESS" in the top half
  • Navigate to your savegame folder
  • Choose the last savegame you generated and confirm
  • Click "Load Papyrus Section" below that
  • Wait till the program displays something like "There are XXXX script instances not attached to an object in the game."
  • On the right click click on "Remove Unattached Script Instances" (the button will turn yellow)
  • Wait PATIENTLY until it tells you its done in the bottom right window
  • You will also get the message "There are XXXX script instances that have no class definitions"
  • Click on "Remove Instances" on the right
  • In the popup check "Remove instances with undefined classes only"
  • Click "Remove"
  • Close the program
  • Start the game and load the game which PDTWrapper just generated
  • Cross your fingers
  • If it loads (sigh in relief) check if it is back to normal
  • save your game in any case
  • If not try the following:


  • open the console (its the key above the tab key...varies depending which language your keyboard uses)
  • type coc qasmoke
  • Once its loaded wait for 10 full game days
  • save game
  • open map and fast travel somewhere
  • check if its back to normal
  • if not load the savegame you made 3 steps before
  • wait another 21 game days
  • check if it worked

if it still didnt work then you are either A) Out of luck and you have to start over or live with the glitch OR B) a mod which is still installed is the culprit. For that matter I require your full load order

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I tried the first half of the stuff you suggested above and the saves will not load at all. I give up. I will start over. At least my save will be clean and will not cause me any problems when I progress far in the game. Thanks a lot for taking the time to try and help me out. I really appreciate it.


By the way, what is this HDT Bounce & Jiggles CBBE Edition that you have linked above? Is it related to Physics? What did you say I should replace with it?

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