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Help with changing Curie's appearence, please.


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I tried this console metod: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/3u1isj/how_to_change_the_appearance_and_hair_of_curie/ but when i type "help Curie 4" I dont get any "NPC_" lines with IDs in return. And when I use her base id 00027686 from wikia for "placeatme" near player and use "slm", all changes are reverting immediately.


Do you have same problem with "help Curie 4" command in latest version not showing her "NPC_" lines with IDs, or its just me? And any workarounds, please.

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Hmm, I know nothing about THAT method, but have you tried simply using SLM with the ID sown when you click on her (i.e., the refid)?


Alternately, you can always just use Face Ripper to copy some other face to her. E.g., just make a new character, edit it like you like, then rip her face off from that save and put it on Curie. Mind you, some NPCs have extra modifiers for their face, so face-rip might not work as well as you'd think. Piper has for example. But I don't think Curie has such extra factors.

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That description isn't the best, it's a little disjointed and confusing. I've used the method without issue to alter Curie, Piper and Cait, without issue, but I'm more familiar with the console, so I could understand where that procedure, as written, isn't quite helpful.


Try this ...

1 ) Acquire Curie and get to the stage where she has her Synth Body.

1.5 ) Make sure to be in a well lit area - probably outside on a fine sunny day is best.

2 ) Open the console and type help "Curie" 4 - make note of where the " " are, as the syntax of console commands is sometimes very important.

3 ) Note the base id of Curie (it 'should' be the first number on the list of NPC_ )

4 ) Using that number create a "clone" of Curie using the placeatme console command.

5 )You can use the tai console command to stop all NPC movement. (note - Make sure that there is no selected id number when you open the console or it won't work)

6 ) Click on the 'clone' Curie and make a note of the ref. id (it should be a number staring with ff)

7 ) Get as close to the clone Curie as possible and using her ref id type slm ffxxxxxx 1 to open the character menu. (where the xxxxxx is the rest of the ref id number)

8 ) select the "body" option first to force the camera to zoom out, then exit the body modifier screen - this 'should' then zoom the camera to be in the right position to modify the face.

9 ) Make your changes to the clone Curie you wish. (Note - sometimes, certain small changes will not show immediately, (although they will have been made) unless you alter a major facial feature - i.e adjusting the nose slightly won't show until you exit that screen and then go back in and change something else)

10 ) Save your changes to the 'clone' Curie.

11 ) Go to the "real" Curie and click on her to get her current ref id

12 ) Using that ref id, type slm <00xxxxx> 1 (where the xxxx are the ref id number) to open the character creator for the real Curie, go through the same steps of hitting "body" first, then go to the face options, and change something (usually the hair is the easiest option)

12.5 ) Don't be afraid if the 'real" Curie disappears or "fades out" here, as this usually means the game is loading the new face morphs you just created, which is exactly what you want.

13 ) Exit the character creator menu.

14 ) click on or type in the ref. id. for the clone Curie and type disable to remove her from the game.

15 ) type tai to reinstate NPC movement.


Curie should now have your new looks and shape.

Note - that if you did not get the "fade out - fade in" mentioned in step 12.5 it probably means you missed a step, or used the wrong ref id.

Note 2 - The changes to Curie (or whoever you altered) will not be "locked" until you save the game, so make sure to have a save before you start, so that if you mess up you can revert to default and try again, by loading that save file.


Hope that helps, as I said, I've used this method to alter several NPC's in my game, and it works perfectly.

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Open the console and type help "Curie" 4 - make note of where the " " are, as the syntax of console commands is sometimes very important.


Nope, even with "" it doesn't show her NPC_ IDs which sould be after QUST section. But thanks for answers anyway, I solved this digging her real ID numbers from plugin.

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