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female dwelmer helm directory?


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Typically the female version of something that has both male and female versions will be in an 'f' subfolder (e.g Obilivion\Data\meshes\armor\SomeCoolArmor\f\SomeCoolHelmet.nif along with an Obilivion\Data\meshes\armor\SomeCoolArmor\m\SomeCoolHelmet.nif if it also includes a male version that is different). If the male and female share the same helmet (or boots or greaves) they can either be in a common folder (e.g. Obilivion\Data\meshes\armor\SomeCoolArmor\SomeCoolHelmet.nif) or may both use the male version folder (e.g. Obilivion\Data\meshes\armor\SomeCoolArmor\m\SomeCoolHelmet.nif). Look at the extracted download and you should be able to figure it out.
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hey guys where would the female dwarf helm be located I'm getting a missing mesh for it only when a female wears it


What armor replacer are you using? I think I may have an idea of what is going on.


Edit: also, grab this. Utterly invaluable in these situations.

Edited by Nephenee13
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