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good combat ai mod exclude big 3 ?


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my first play was with Duel, after playing for a while I felt enemies seem lil stupid in narrowed cave and they are keep blocking while hesitating to attack. + Too much stagger makes battle too easy sometimes.

I couldn't feel ai difference from deadly combat. Dodging of enemies from ultimate combat is very impressive, but this mod makes game lag (script lag?) very often so I needed to turn off TK hitstop.

almost of ppl recommended between these 3 mods. But for these reasons, I'm looking for another one that's recommendable.

I want the mod doesn't affect on stagger system, stealth, and so on like these 3 mods much cause I have mods related with them. (I mean I just want default stagger chance and want to add stagger chance from my ACE perks)

my combat realted mods combo is usually ACE + ASIS + Stealth skill rebalanced + Apocalypse and path of sorcery + ROTE and HLE. there was DCR with them at past.


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