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Graphic/texture mods...really Bethesda?


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Sorry, rant thread.


I was just on here earlier, perusing the site to see what new mods had cropped up since the last time I checked. Then it hit me. About the ONLY mods out right now are graphical in nature; mostly, people upping the resolution on the shoddy graphics Skyrim shipped with. I facepalmed.


Bethesda has been releasing their games in this condition for as long as I can remember. They ship them with crappy graphics, bugs they never intend to fix (or fix one, break 20 others, as is the case with the 1.02 patch!) and in general, just release a half-assed game. It's really getting depressing. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Skyrim. The story and gameplay are amazing. Except for all the bugs, and all the bad textures that really kill the immersion. So I come here every few days to see what else people have finally brought up to a respectable resolution. I've probably downloaded close to 2 GB of updated textures, and the creation kit isn't even out yet!


It's kind of sad when multi-player games, which really need to focus on performance, look better than a single-player game. I was watching a friend play...MW3, or COD3, or whatever iteration those games are currently on, and my god, the graphics were amazing. Then I boot up Skyrim and have a heart attack. Is this really the craftsmanship we're to expect from such a monolithic gaming company?


I really appreciate all the hard work the modders go through to make these upgraded texture mods. They look absolutely amazing. But the question arises, why the hell couldn't Bethesda do that in the FIRST PLACE? Oh that's right, because it's a freaking CONSOLE PORT. ><

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It's built for the lowest performing platform, which also happens to be the one that makes them the most money.


We can be grateful for the mod community filling in the gaps for us pc users.



That's just the thing. The COD3/MW3/whatever I was watching was on the 360, on a SDTV. Low def, and a console, and it still looked more stunning than Skyrim. The best thing skyrim has going for it is the lighting and shadows. I definitely don't see consoles doing as well as Skyrim does it. But all of the textures in Skyrim, which actually do look good from a distance, are actually really low res and terrible looking. It just really rubs me the wrong way that they can charge so much for such a shoddy looking game, and THEN expect the modding community to pick up where they left off. In other words, why pay someone to make wonderful graphics for their games, when the modding community will do it for free?

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It's built for the lowest performing platform, which also happens to be the one that makes them the most money.


We can be grateful for the mod community filling in the gaps for us pc users.



That's just the thing. The COD3/MW3/whatever I was watching was on the 360, on a SDTV. Low def, and a console, and it still looked more stunning than Skyrim. The best thing skyrim has going for it is the lighting and shadows. I definitely don't see consoles doing as well as Skyrim does it. But all of the textures in Skyrim, which actually do look good from a distance, are actually really low res and terrible looking. It just really rubs me the wrong way that they can charge so much for such a shoddy looking game, and THEN expect the modding community to pick up where they left off. In other words, why pay someone to make wonderful graphics for their games, when the modding community will do it for free?


Most of those games have a LOT less to process. Skyrim is showing you stuff that is literally like.. game miles away, and as you get closer it needs to bring it into detail seamlessly. They do not build these things for the most powerful PCs. Guarantee you that the average PC gamer will not be able to run a full game texture overhaul without lagging.


You can't compare what COD does with it's graphics to what skyrim does... totally different goals that they are trying to accomplish.

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Sorry, rant thread.


I was just on here earlier, perusing the site to see what new mods had cropped up since the last time I checked. Then it hit me. About the ONLY mods out right now are graphical in nature; mostly, people upping the resolution on the shoddy graphics Skyrim shipped with. I facepalmed.


Bethesda has been releasing their games in this condition for as long as I can remember. They ship them with crappy graphics, bugs they never intend to fix (or fix one, break 20 others, as is the case with the 1.02 patch!) and in general, just release a half-assed game. It's really getting depressing. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Skyrim. The story and gameplay are amazing. Except for all the bugs, and all the bad textures that really kill the immersion. So I come here every few days to see what else people have finally brought up to a respectable resolution. I've probably downloaded close to 2 GB of updated textures, and the creation kit isn't even out yet!


It's kind of sad when multi-player games, which really need to focus on performance, look better than a single-player game. I was watching a friend play...MW3, or COD3, or whatever iteration those games are currently on, and my god, the graphics were amazing. Then I boot up Skyrim and have a heart attack. Is this really the craftsmanship we're to expect from such a monolithic gaming company?


I really appreciate all the hard work the modders go through to make these upgraded texture mods. They look absolutely amazing. But the question arises, why the hell couldn't Bethesda do that in the FIRST PLACE? Oh that's right, because it's a freaking CONSOLE PORT. ><

Im sorry but what? I have MW3 for PC and I can max out it's graphics while in Skyrim I can't, MW3 looks just like MW2, wich looks just a bit better than MW1 or COD4, Skyrim's Ultra graphics are much better than MW3 Extra graphics and what did you expect? Battlefield 3 graphics or something? I hate people who complain about graphics, they are not everything, yeah the bugs are annoying but I could care less about graphics, I even play some old games from time to time and also Zelda SS doesn't have alll that great graphics but it's a great game, so yeah... Your kinda wrong there dude...

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It's painfully obvious they made no effort whatsoever with the PC version, thankfully there is a hugely talented community who will soon have it looking how it should, just look what they've done with Morrowind.
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Sorry, rant thread.


I was just on here earlier, perusing the site to see what new mods had cropped up since the last time I checked. Then it hit me. About the ONLY mods out right now are graphical in nature; mostly, people upping the resolution on the shoddy graphics Skyrim shipped with.



Though I agree about the rather low graphics, your argument is not entirely true.


Without the creation kit it's very hard to make mods other then retextures. If the creation kit would have been released with the game the proportions graphics/non-graphics mods would be notably different.


Skyrim is in many ways just very similar to Oblivion. Reason be that they were designed for the same platforms. And that is rather sad since almost six years have past. Six years is an eternity in the computer technology sector.


Video killed the radio star.


Consoles killed game innovation.

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I don't mean to beat up on Bethesda because I think they worked hard on Skyrim and I personally have really enjoyed it. I honestly believe they are lacking the skill and talent to make decent graphics, though. I see plenty of evidence for the lack of skill in their art department while looking through the game's texture files. They did they best they could with what they had I guess, but the reason you see modern games even on console with such jaw-dropping graphics is because they have talented graphic designers with a vast repertoire of tricks to make top-notch textures, and Bethesda just has a couple of guys with Adobe Image Ready and a Wacom tablet. Making textures is not hard, it is without a doubt the easiest part of graphic design; thus the most simple answer is that there is a decisive lack of creative talent behind the scenes.


The Witcher 2 has gorgeous graphics because CDPR poured their heart (and paid artists to do magic) into the game. Skyrim has... a very mixed bag of good and bad textures because they refuse to recruit modern talent.

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