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Institute remodeling: Mankind redefined: Redefned.


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Hi all,


I am working on totally remodeling the CIT interiors. I am using the "HiTech" tileset with material swap to resemble a lab or hospital, with assets from "Industrial" or factory tilesets.


The theme I am going with is, "what would happen if you trapped a bunch of academics in the University basement for 200 years." My answer does not include "create space-age A+ interior design with matching furniture."


Please reply or PM me if you have any ideas and/or want to work on this with me.


So far I have almost finished Advanced Systems.


I am also adding more features in an attempt to "Shandify" the Institute and make it seem more of a feasible location, instead of what I felt was rushed endgame content. I am also phasing out all of the novelty Institute architecture.


> Food processing

> Milling machines for creating metal and plastic objects

> Gen3 synth barracks

> Holding cells in SRB

> Convert Concourse to concrete silo

> Expand construction zone

> Redo "Robotics" to actually include robotics




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Very cool man, I completely agree on the whole front of the Institue being a bit unfeasible logistics wise. I like your train of thought, it makes the Institute seem a lot more interesting if they dont have absolutely EVERYTHING going for them.

Can't wait to see how your progress comes together with time.

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