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upgrading current enchantments?


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Doesn't really work that way when you disenchant i believe you have to put points into enchanting to increase the enchantment. i DE stuff from 40 stam and got 20 stam. not 100% sure but... :thumbsup:


once an enchanted item is made it can't be changed or upgraded with a better one. if i do remember right.

Edited by Guss
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ya i get that.. but taking another item that has a higher stat of block then i have already learned and disenchanting that to have that higher percentage off the new item. im looking to enchant a new shield with a higher percentage of block.


its like on my list of echantments i have a block thats 13%.. i can take a new shield and enchant it to 13%. its that I have a new enchanted shield that has 30% block but low armor rating.. i want to learn that 30% block and replace the 13% i have already learned.

Edited by alphaskull
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Armors and other apparel items cast a constant effect on the wearer as long as the item is worn. Larger soul gems

create greater magnitude effects.:thumbsup: petty guessing like 5% block and if grand is used 40%? what i am getting hope this helps. i remember my brother saying something like this before but don't really remember.


then having perks should help more. haven't tested enchanting much on my characters so atm just going off other sites and my knowledge. once you learn the spell you really cant disenchant the same thing to get a better version.

Edited by Guss
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Yes in the enchants but once you go to enchant a piece of gear using a petty - Grand soul gems will increase that %.... petty being the lowest % increase and Grand being max % increase. :turned:


weapons is different in which Petty is lowest amount of charges and Grand being max amount of charges " how many times the enchantment will work when attacking a target. "

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dam that suks lol.. guess gotta find a mod that resets the enchant list lol


When you disenchant an item you only learn the particular spell that was on that item; it does not matter what level the item was. That enchantment can now be put on other items. The level of the spell is dependant on YOUR enchantment skill level and the kind of soul used.


Make a potion of enchantment or wear something enchanted with enchantment level increase when you are making an enchantment, and it will be higher-level.


The restoration potion enchantment glitch/exploit is an extreme example.

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dam that suks lol.. guess gotta find a mod that resets the enchant list lol


When you disenchant an item you only learn the particular spell that was on that item; it does not matter what level the item was. That enchantment can now be put on other items. The level of the spell is dependant on YOUR enchantment skill level and the kind of soul used.


Make a potion of enchantment or wear something enchanted with enchantment level increase when you are making an enchantment, and it will be higher-level.


The restoration potion enchantment glitch/exploit is an extreme example.


Alphaskull i think you are kinda confused. Same thing i being trying to say. once the enchant is learned it doesn't matter what % says under your enchants. The Percent you get on an item depends on the soul gem and your enchanting skill :thumbsup:

Edited by Guss
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