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XBL users! Pay attention!


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So, M$ put out a new TOS, and section 18 includes a clause ala Sony making you waive your rights to join in a class action suit against Microsoft. You can reject that one part via snail mail.


This is what I wrote them:



I refuse to waive my rights to participate in a class action suite as outlined in section 18.1.6 and am exercising my right to reject the aforementioned section as per section 18.1.11.


I received notification of the new TOS on Dec. 6, 2011, and this notice was sent to Microsoft on Dec. 7, 2011.




Above that I gave them pertinent info, my name, address, and gamertag. Below that I signed my name. Basically you are given an out when it comes to waiving your right to a class action suit, that is what I referenced when I mentioned section 18.1.11, and section 18.1.6 is the section stating you waive your legal rights.


Here is the address you need to send that letter to, because you have to send a letter via snail mail:


Microsoft Corporation, ATTN: LCA Arbitration,

One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA


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Well, there are a lot of people that use XBL, so I figured this might be useful to them, but if I could have foreseen this happening, I probably never would have signed up.
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well yeah i agree with you there

but personally i never cared for online gaming most games i play are single player only so i never saw the need for it

and we have seen what happens when mutliplayer is suddenly more important then single player ( cod )


things like this make me even less interested in online gaming then before


though if i were an xblah live ( thats how the acronym xbl read to me xblah ) user my letter to microsoft would probably read varlet i say thee nay !

Edited by bluekatt
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I have to agree with Sepherose, this is pertinent information and useful


Thank you for the vote of confidence :)


Honestly I'm a tad surprised that more people haven't responded, considering I know of at least a dozen people that use XBL on here.... :unsure:

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in all honesty they probably dont care and have other things on their mind


I can understand that, but still, this is an attempt to force someone to waive their legal rights, so I figured it was important.

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