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Fallout 4 mods disable in game?


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So i having this issue yesterday.

I'm pretty sure all my mods are installed and plugins are enabled in the NMM

but when i want to load a save in game it say "Warning the game has being changed recently and some mods might be unavailable"

anyone having same issue before?

Edited by kanerill
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Are you certain you didnt opt into fallout 4's beta on accident? Ive heard that if you do, mods will be disabled by default. If you did, youll have to opt back out in order to get mods back. Thats of coarse assuming youre running through steam :V


If thats not the case however, then we'll have to get a little more specific.

Is there a mod you removed/added in the past couple of days, or since the last time you played before this started?


Have you verified your cache?


Have you reinstalled the game?

Edited by millyrainbow
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Ditto on all of the above. I found I need to go into NMM and reinstall each mod individually. As far as download, the only way it works for me is if I download manually and then open the download with NMM. That works most of the time. But be prepared to slog through all the mods on your NMM installer because this method, thus far, is the only way to get them back up and running.

On an interesting note, NMM (Skyrim) has not of these problems, at least last I checked.

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Thats actually quite interesting. It sounds like the game just simply isnt recognizing the mods, or perhaps the mods themselves were removed.. but i doubt that..

But why would the game suddenly stop seeing installed mods?


Just a quick check.

Im running on windows 7 ultimate (64 bit), and i havent ran into this problem yet. Im also running with an amd graphics card (but i doubt that has anything to do it it)


What are you guys running on?


Also what happened before the mods stopped working? I mean obviously you wouldnt know exactly what, but surely theres something that changed. Maybe an update or something? maybe something to do with anti-virus. perhaps some lines got lost during a defrag?

Edited by millyrainbow
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Thats actually quite interesting. It sounds like the game just simply isnt recognizing the mods, or perhaps the mods themselves were removed.. but i doubt that..

But why would the game suddenly stop seeing installed mods?


Just a quick check.

Im running on windows 7 ultimate (64 bit), and i havent ran into this problem yet. Im also running with an amd graphics card (but i doubt that has anything to do it it)


What are you guys running on?


Also what happened before the mods stopped working? I mean obviously you wouldnt know exactly what, but surely theres something that changed. Maybe an update or something? maybe something to do with anti-virus. perhaps some lines got lost during a defrag?

Windows 7 64 bit here as well. Nvidia GTX 760. Yeah doubt graphics card is the problem.

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I suspect (although I have no specifics to point to) there is a coding error in the Fallout4 section of NMM. If that is the case, and I have done coding error searches in the my deep deep past, it will probably be a b**ch to find. A very time consuming process most likely. I would help but I have been too long away from such an activity and things have changed from my time.

Let us hope that someone at Nexus is working on the problem. If they are, and I suspect they might be, the problem will eventually be solved.

Let's keep our fingers crossed! And toes too if it will help...

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I'm having a similar problem- mods not staying enabled


If I enable the plugins in NMM, it un-stars * them in plugins.txt


If I go and add the * to the downloaded mods in plugins.txt it un-enables them in NMM.


I had this before, but it would stay enabled if I enabled them in NMM, closed NMM, then fixed plugins.txt; but now it isn't sticking whether I close NMM before fixing the .txt or not and this is since the Oct 1 update apparently


edit to add: Another try to enable stuff and it worked (?) must be the magic of complaining about the problem to people who might know how to fix it...

Edited by ArtsyLaurie
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Yesterday I spent whole day setting up this game to the point of being playable, and everything worked great.


Today mods won't load. They are in plugins.txt, they are enabled in NMM, but game doesn't see them when I try to load save.


The strange thing that happend was that when I launched the game today through NMM it showed first steam updating window and then game launcher, I don't understand why, because I have F4SE renamed to be launched by NMM, so launcher should never launch no matter what. And since then nothing works.


Anyone figured out?

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