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2 simple mods that would greatly improve immersion!!!!


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1st, your shadow should be visible while in 1st person. I hate when you go from 3rd person to 1st your shadow disappears. Could someone please make a mod so when I'm sneaking through caves and dungeons in 1st person, fires and lights eerily cast my shadow around the room. Pretty please? It would definitely reinforce the idea of my character actually existing in the game world.


2nd, water that splashes when you run through it. I don't know about you but when I run through water in real life the water splashes like crazy. Usually I don't notice this, but the other day I was fighting some bandits in about a foot of water, and I thought, wouldn't it be sweet if water was splashing up all over the place. Even watching people cross through water or the sound of the water while you ran through it would be a great touch.


Thanks guys, I know you can do it! You're awesome.

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The water things is something I've never realised but yeh, anything over a slow walk and water does splash like crazy.

Would be very nice, but it would require a fairly large (1024 min) tex I think, could add a particle effect I suppose but the main effect should be a texture.


Cool idea.


PS: It would be VERY cool to also add a new animation for walking and running through water too! If thats possible.

Edited by Axeface
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There's already a splash that occurs once in a while when I kill things in the water, and sometimes when you jump in water. If anyone knows how to apply those splashing animations to happen when a character is running through water that would be just as awesome. New animations would be very cool too.
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