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Mouse speed issue (in menu)


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My mouse speed when in inventory has gone mad since yesterday?


In game its ok, but when in menus its way too sensitive.

I have had QD inventory and a font changer installed for a while with no issues. I have tried the mouse smootthing fix and turning the slider down to zero.....


Any suggestions?



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  • 1 year later...

this seems to be an isolated issue that no one is bothering to fix, unfortunately. I have only seen one other request for the same problem, and both yours and the other is a few months old. Its really frustrating, considering that I have the same issue, but no one who knows what they are doing seems to care. Hope they find a solution soon.

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I think i found a solution. Go to the skyrimprefs.ini in you Documents/My Games/Skyrim and search for the fMouseCursorSpeed under [interface] and set it to 1.0000

This appears to be SKSE-specific

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