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Fus Ro Dah is not murder...


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In England in the dark ages that was basically the legal system, cash wise.

A commoners life was worth about 10 cows (Being England, that is what the currency was it seems)

A `Noble` Was worth about 100...

So If I had a few hundred cattle (and most nobles did, they owned entire villages etc) I could get away with murdering all the other local nobles!


It was an improvement on the system of `You are legally aloud to hunt them down and do to them what they did to you`...


Skyrim law is for pussies....

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I'm quite sure that TES is not the game series where you would expect a gruesome portrayal of medieval society and ignorance. That's more the domain of titles like Dragon Age. TES is a fantasy setting very much focused on the fantastic elements, though Skyrim does take a step into a more realistic direction seeing how you don't spend nearly as much time in different dimensions as in Oblivion.


The system was really broken for me in the quest "Blood on the Ice", where killing a murderer before he struck his victim gave me a Bounty, while first beheading the victim myself and then running the guy who's sick job I just stole through with a blade was a-ok, not even increasing my murder count. With a guard standing right next to it and just watching. Letting the murder happen and then chasing the culprit into an abandoned house and dispatching of him was fine too. Reloading a save from before I fast-traveled to windhelm fixed it and alowed me to save the would-be victim while my murder count remained at zero, but seriously, this is one wicked bug.

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