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Original "Populated Skyrim" mod?


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I rarely get around to checking updates for mods. Been running the same versions since my last batch of downloads earlier this year.


Last week I did an uninstall and fresh download of Skyrim and all mods I had been using, except for one: Populated Skyrim. It's a single .esp file, no .bsa, last modified in February 2016. Still have the shortcut in my favorites list, but the page no longer exists here. www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73072/?


Haven't had any luck finding it with Google either. Everything points to a series of Populated mods, and each of those pages makes no reference to what I have. Was wondering if anyone knew what happened to the original; was it upgraded, merged, destroyed, overhauled?


The plugin still works, without any issues (afaik). Just wondering what happened. :huh:

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I am not familiar with "Populated Skyrim", but i know of the "Populated Series", originally made by Erkeil. Erkeil has been banned from Nexus. AFAIK there are 2 overhauls of the original mod, which fix facegen data and also bring USLEEP compatibility.


The Legendary




And the reborn




The reborn also has a 50% less NPCs version (for less performance hit), but on few NPCs, the forehead appears reddish-pink.


Erkeil's original mod, is here:



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Thanks for the info. I didn't think about it before hand, but just checked the file with TES5Edit and looked at the header:


Merged Plugin:
Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp
Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins.esp
Populated Forts Towers Places.esp
Populated Lands Roads Paths.esp
So I guess I can just get the "Hell" edition and have an updated version, with Prisons included. :cool: Still gonna keep the original backed up tho.
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