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unknown mod


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hi ok so this is the following yesterday i was playing skyrim and after quite a while i went to the forge create some new armor and i realized that i could now creat dragonbone, daedric, dwarven etc crossbows i did created dragonbone crossbow and the bolt, only the crossbow had arround 300 dmg and the bolt 100 but the model isnt visible, i went looking for my mods wich mod would allow me to craf such and see if it was needed any depenecy to actually view the model, but i cant find idk what mod i have that would allow me to do such and ive researched the ones i thought would be so if you can could help me out would certainly love that xD follows the screenshots of the mods i got.


Aso just logged in and realized that most guards are only on underwear also some npcs ave only their head visible and the weapons.




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i see you didn't understand, take the crossbow and drop it then open the console and select it on top a number should appear the first 2 letters/numbers correspond to the mod number on the load order that is how you find what mod added the item.

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