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CTD on load


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Hi! This is my first time posting so apologies for any mistakes.

I recently decided to completely uninstall and reinstall my game and all the mods I wanted, then start a new game... When starting a new game I got through the menu and the loading screen fine, but when the Bethesda logo popped up I crashed twice in a row. On the third try I got through, and the game worked just fine, but after character creation I encountered a glitch where the intro wouldn't continue, so I exited the game and attempted to reload.


When I attempt to reload, it CTDs after a little while on the loading screen. If I start a new game it still crashes on the Bethesda logo. I've poked around everywhere but I can't seem to figure it out... Thank you in advance for your help! ´ï½¥ωï½¥ï½


My Modwatch page is here: https://modwat.ch/u/Lynchly

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You have Perma and are not respecting it's load order. Make sure you have all the patches for Perma and the other mods you have on the load order then:


Reorganize your load order using this guide: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires/ then post the updated load order (using modwatch you just need to update it).

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Mate...your load order is all messed up....Did you let LOOT sort your load order? Because it looks a lot like it....If using Perkus Maximus don't let LOOT do the sorting.


Reorder your plugins using the information Project579 mentioned earlier.


In addition watch this video about the advanced PerMa installation.



You will also need a MergePatch using TES5Edit




and the Pre PaMa Patches provided by Pcapp




I can also see a few Mods which are not managed by MO (not counting the vanilla esms). Why? Add those to MO.


In summary:


  • Redo your load order manually
  • Use the procedure in the video to generate the necessary patches
  • Come back and report what the results are
Edited by metaforce
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Thank you for responding! Sorry for taking so long to post again. I reorded my mods and followed the linked video, but am still experiencing the same problems. I wouldn't be surprised if I still haven't ordered my mods right;; I updated the modwatch list. Am I still doing it wrong?

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I don't see an ENB in your load order. Though your setup implies that you tried to set it up for Realvision. This could very well be the reason for crashing right after you start the game. The files needed for some of your visuals mods are in the wrong order. Also double check that you got all the Climates of Tamriel patches you need. I also see Realistic Nights in your loadorder. I'm pretty sure thats not compatible with ELFX. You'd need an RLO setup for it. Instead install night level 3 (or even less if you want it still darker) that comes with the CoT weather patch. You might also try the snow level that comes with the weather patch.


Should be like this (keep these together in your loadorder since they depend on each other)


  • ClimatesofTamriel - Dawnguard patch
  • ClimatesofTamriel - Dragonborn patch
  • Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp
  • CoT-WeatherPatch.esp
  • CoT-WeatherPatch_DB.esp
  • CoT-WeatherPatch_NL3 (or choose a nightlevel you like best)
  • CoT-WeatherPatch_Snow-40
  • CoT-WeatherPatch_SupStorms
  • mintylightningmod.esp
  • MintyLightningMod_COT_Patch.esp
  • EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
  • ELFX - Exteriors
  • ELFX - Enhancer
  • Next would be your ENB.



and here https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires/


You got alot of environment mods installed. It's impossible to say if all of them are compatible with ELFX. I use a similar setup like I posted above (I added true storms though). Try deactivating all environment mods and then see if the game starts

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