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1.3 Patch: Resistances Still Not Fixed?! Or is there a cap?


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There's usually a cap on everything in these types of games. They have to do it because the smart player will always find a way to be at 100% damage mitigation otherwise, and then other people would immediately complain about the game being too easy. Like that whole camouflage kerfluffle from Oblivion. Smart players figured out how to get total and complete invisibility from NPCs and then complained that it broke the game. A perfect example of why there's a cap on your ability to not take damage.


You'll be able to change that once the CS comes out, but for now you just have to deal with it. I think you should be able to get 100% immunity to spell effects, but it should be HARD to get. As in, if you're 100% immune to fire damage, you're also 100% vulnerable to frost damage. Now THAT would make players scream. Heh. :devil:

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If you go stage 4 vampire you are immune to frost. It's the only full elemental immunity I know of, and also causes 100% weakness to fire (which really only doubles fire damage, not too bad)


If you have 85% magica resistance and 85% spell absorption you are effectively immune to all mages. Don't count on that immunity when you meet a dragon, though, and get owned.

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I used console commands to make a flame atronach and flung flames on it. It did not take damage. (yay)

Are you sure that's due to the same resistance mechanics that players use and not some mechanic that is used by monsters? Atronach immunity may not be related to player resistances.

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The only thing I'm certain of is I did that test, which is what had been suggested on the previous page. I didn't really test anything beyond that because I was mostly just checking to make sure 1.3 didn't break anything and figured I'd help out while I was at it. My character, however, was created during the 1.2 patch, and I didn't bother hooking her up with any elemental resistance items during that time, so I'm less in a position to casually test that part of it.
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Thanks everyone this was very helpful. My final verdict is that resistances appear to be working well now, but there must be a cap - which is fine! I prefer a cap. I just got bad info before OR they just instituted a cap.


Not only that! I am happy to report that the shield blocking 50% seems to be working as well. I am playing Master, have 120% frost resistance (I guess capped at 80 or 85) which btw on master against certain opponents, still causes massive damage potentially, and i blocked with the shield. My damage went from an estimated 30 points per second, prolly to half that, as to be expected if it were working properly.


Great job Beth! Seriously, no sarcasm here. Nicely done. I am now fully satisfied with these mechanics.

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Posted 07 December 2011 - 01:20 PM


Update 1.3 for Skyrim is now available on Steam and is being submitted to Sony and Microsoft. As soon as we have more information on the update hitting PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, we'll let everyone know. Below are the release notes for the update:


Update 1.3 Notes (all platforms unless specified)


  • General stability improvements
  • Optimize performance for Core 2 Duo CPUs (PC)
  • Fixed Radiant Story incorrectly filling certain roles
  • Fixed magic resistances not calculating properly
  • Fixed issue with placing books on bookshelves inside player purchased homes
  • Fixed dragon animation issues with saving and loading
  • Fixed Y-look input to scale correctly with framerate

We’re also planning on rolling out support for 4-Gigabyte Tuning (Large Address Aware) next week for our PC users. Stay tuned!

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