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Perception value


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I stopped playing the game months ago, recently I decided to go back to it but I've almost forgotten everything about my previous playthrough so I was checking my char. stats: he has 15 points in perception, 10 points come from leveling + 1 points from bobblehead but I have no clue about the 4 remaining points, I stripped all the gear and no night crawler perk (don't remember the name). Can someone enlighten me about this? (used no cheat or cheat mods).

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  • 3 weeks later...

apologies for some delay in discussion of this...

indeed, it can be interesting to find out how it happens.


15? those are some super-powered peepers that character has!


did the P have a + sign next to it?


P: +(15)

if so... you might have eaten something in game.


I am thinking, if you didn't take the Night Person perk (you're a vampire, have + to perception and int at night after 6pm to 6am)

it is foods of some combination,

or an equipped item + food.

X Cell,

UltraMentats/Ultra Jet...

Maybe also a companion perk?


Beer of some kind + nuka cola after you have the perk which allows you to eat food from the wasteland with no rads,

that usually does it.

Compound X (BoS's answer to RadAway) also adds to perception.


on console or PC, I try to keep perception around 3,

so as to ensure a smoother rate, as that keeps draw distance down.


I hope that is some approach to solving

the 15 P mystery,

apologies again for some light thread necro...

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Thank you guys for your replies. I'm pretty sure I had some bug where the buffs have not worn out, checked all the possibilities you've mentioned, no gear/perk/aid of some sort, no clothes/armor, waited 5 in game days, I finally forced the stat back to 10 via console, didn't even add that bobblehead point...

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