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Narmix's WIP Model Resource


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If my models aren't deemed terrible, I'm considering making a model resource for the Nexus. It seems the modding community needs modelers far more than texturers right now. Anyone who knows me knows I prefer inanimate objects over living things... so I can't really help with races or animals, but mugs, plates, tables, weapons, etc. are fair game. When criticizing, be brutal. Telling me something is great when it's not doesn't do anyone any good :P


Revenge of Frank the Goat (




If such an axe were in the game, would anyone use it (textured and normalmapped of course)?


Generic Snake Staff (intended to be entirely wood with the exception of the gem in snake's mouth)

Staff is carved from a branch with large knothole in it.


Edited by Narmix
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Hm... With a good texture, it might turn out good. It looks daft as of now, but most low poly model does:


Perhaps prep it and sculpt it in Sculptris/Zbrush? You could really get some interesting shapes out of that skull there!

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Hm... With a good texture, it might turn out good. It looks daft as of now, but most low poly model does:


Perhaps prep it and sculpt it in Sculptris/Zbrush? You could really get some interesting shapes out of that skull there!


Unfortunately I don't have access to Zbrush (because I can't afford to pay for anything) but I had no idea a free Zbrush called Sculptris even existed. You just made my day.

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Oh hey Narmix. This is a little unrelated, but we were just talking about you. I made some false speculations against you, which may have started(or added) to rumors of theft and I want to apologize for it. It was too much opinion on too little information on the matter.
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Oh hey Narmix. This is a little unrelated, but we were just talking about you. I made some false speculations against you, which may have started(or added) to rumors of theft and I want to apologize for it. It was too much opinion on too little information on the matter.


Absolutely no problem. I can understand why things might have been a bit muddled. Don't worry about it.


Just started playing with Sculptris; Don't think I'm ever going to leave the house.



Whatever this goblin head thing is, it literally took me 30 seconds to make it. I love this program. You should have seen my face the first time I just grabbed those ears and dragged them out to make them what they are... I was like a little kid on christmas. I think I made some weird sounds too. This thing looks like Dobby from Harry Potter, haha.


Don't take the picture seriously, I just opened Sculptris for the first time lol. I'm purely trying to demonstrate how much faster it is to make organic things in this than in, say, Blender.

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I don't think it looks daft at all, that's a nice axe there and with a decent texture it'll be awesome. :thumbsup:


Thanks :) It has a lot of work to be done, but I want to make at least a weapon a day. Or some bottles, etc. I want to build a decent pack fairly quickly.


I'm looking forward to a day a big project starts in which we can import 100+ weapons (not all made by me) into the game's lootlists.



http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/3573/outofcontrol.png http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7338/sweetaxe.png

(Lower poly used on axe; Went crazy with sculptris on the left)


This. Program. Is. Out. Of. Control. This is the most fun modeling I've ever had. It's like ceramics class all over again.

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Hey Narmix, the skull on that axe is looking very rad. Can't wait to see what that would look like textured up and in game. Anyway, since you're taking requests, some of my absolute FAVORITE weapons in any game are the ones from the Onimusha series. Only problem is they are VERY hard to find reference photos of. But if you're familiar with them, you kinda get the idea. I'm not saying you make exact replicas of them, but I like the whole biological look some of them have. If I find any photos you can reference, I'll link them in here.


Edit: 1


These are a few examples from the 3rd game.

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