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PreCK Modding is HERE


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I've just posted the very 1st release of NEW LANDS in Skyrim.. at My link


For those of you viewing the info, but not downloading (1st few minutes showed 300 views w/only 6 downloads)... this is FOR REAL. I've figured out how to do it, as subsequent posts are guaranteed to reveal (within minutes now, I suspect).


More to come from your friendly, neighborhood SLuckyD!!

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So let me get this straight, in order for us to figure out what the f*** you are talking about, which by the way you have left very vague, we have to download your mod, play through whatever is in it, and then there will be some form of answer at the end?


And to top it off there are no screenshots to prove anything, and I've never heard of you before in my life. It doesn't help that you have only ever posted one thing and that you joined today, about 2 hours ago.



Seems legit.

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HA! I mock you and your skepticism.. though I could sympathize. I wouldn't either, for the same reasons.. .but I also wouldn't post such a flagrantly ignorant post before it was warranted. Wait another 10min & see what you so prematurely persecute... SEE YA!


and to the next skeptic: VIRUS?! are you kidding me? as if... SkyrimNexus, despite their demands on us allowing/supplying what may vary well be a data-mining operation, is VERY strict at covering their kiesters. nuf said

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People don't like to download stuff without a good description on what it is and pic's if it is really a NewLand area. :thumbsup:

about 50% don't without pictures, even if a good description, from past experience seeing other people's mods. This mod doesn't seem right.

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HA! I mock you and your skepticism.. though I could sympathize. I wouldn't either, for the same reasons.. .but I also wouldn't post such a flagrantly ignorant post before it was warranted. Wait another 10min & see what you so prematurely persecute... SEE YA!


and to the next skeptic: VIRUS?! are you kidding me? as if... SkyrimNexus, despite their demands on us allowing/supplying what may vary well be a data-mining operation, is VERY strict at covering their kiesters. nuf said


It really doesn't help that your post count is 3.


If somebody with at least 100+ post says it is legal, I will halter my arrow.


Also, official > 1-3 post nexus users.

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