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PreCK Modding is HERE


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legal? mean legit Matth85

" meaning not fake - real "

Eh I forgot: Irony doesn't flow through the internet as well as one would want.

I am aware of its meaning :)

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I'm running through this mod now, looking for whatever he is speaking of. He mentioned the tundra's so I'm flying around there looking for Santa, who is apparently 'DOWN'.


Also the sandbox says nothing is going in or out from Skyrim, and no files or folders are being sniffed or altered in any way by Skyrim.


So the file is clean, though it seems to take a long time to load up.

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Yeah, this mod is a legit installation of new land into Skyrim. As per the request in the readme file, I won't be telling how he did it, though there has already been a lot of speculation on the tool he used, and people seem to have already figured it out.


Have some screenshots of 'Sleckland'







Sure is f***ed up boats in here






I just realized I've been hitting 'reply' and not edit


f***, sorry

Edited by HoovesDerpy
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You'll be appalled at the truth right under your nose!


You must write one liners for those annoying internet ads like "55 yo mom looks 35, dermatologists HATE her!"


Why should we be "appalled" at this so called "truth"?


Honestly, such hype :rolleyes:


Stop with the crass marketing and give us some facts and images.

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