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Skyrim Mod Not Loading In-Game


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Hey folks, my first topic posted on this forum is going to be me requesting help as to why a mod will not load in-game.


The mod with this issue is the only mod I have installed thus far (it's somewhat discouraged me from downloading any further mods at the moment). The mod is called 'Skyrim HD - 2k Textures" and can be found on the first page of the Skyrim Nexus Mod page. I have installed aforementioned mod using NMM, it has downloaded and has stated it was installed correctly, I have also activated it. Although, it does not appear in the 'Plugins' tab, I'm not sure if this is an issue or not. I then launch the game via SKSE (not sure if this mod require SKSE but nonetheless, I still use it). A command prompt of some sorts appears, then disappears and the game itself loads - no game launcher. I then load my save, resume were I left off and.. no change, whatsoever, still good ol' Skyrim textures and no 2k textures by any stretch of the imagination.


So, I'm asking for any help possible and all help is greatly appreciated.



Edited by JMxBelfast
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Skyrim HD 2k is not suppose to add any plugin the cmd that opens when you launch the game is skse and the game is suppose to open directly without the launcher. Make sure you have skyrim hd 2k activated on NMM.


Go to your skyrim data folder and check if a folder called textures has been added and if it has files (.dds) inside.

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Generally only Mods that add/modify/remove specific items or NPCs, spells and so on need an esp. Your mod is a texture replacer which doesn't need an esp. The meshes/textures are simply loaded INSTEAD of the vanilla ones the game comes with.

So no cause for concern about that supposedly missing esp.


Go to the Mod dowload page and click on that little looking glass next to where it says COMPLETE FULL. All the files and folders you see now have to appear in your Skyrim/Data/textures folder. If they are not there you installed the mod incorrectly

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