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Want a Spyglass...want non-combat zoom


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Hmm... Let's put things together, shall we? I like to plan how to do stuff, even if I won't do it.


first, there is a "scouting/looking ahead" animation and pose. This could be adapted to "holding the spyglass" somehow. Second, it could be equiped in the shield slot, or both hands. With the left hand activator, it'd ready the spyglass, changing the camera to first person [some of us play in third person, you know?] with a round overlay on the screen, and with the right hand activator [i'm talking "activator" because it's L/R trigger for gamepad and inversed L/R buttons for mouse...] one would adjust angle [increase zoom]


Seems... simple enough? I don't know my way around the CK, but most of this is done, it just needs to be pieced together.

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If someone were able to do this, it would be great. Also, a nice addition might be different levels of magnification based on material(I have seen mods that adjust the amount of zoom provided by ;Eagle-Eye'). A cheap easy to make glass would give a lower magnification than one made with better materials(iron versus ebony for the body, better gems needed for better lenses, etc.). It would be a very nice addition for anyone who doesn't want to level up archery just for this one perk.
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