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any enchantment


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What he means is, some items can only take certain enchantments. You can't put a sneak enhancement on a helmet, or an ice resist on boots, etc.


I think Beth did a good thing by that. It makes sense, not like in Morrowind when you could put a Soultrap enchantment on a set of grieves.

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enchanting is waaaaaay overpowered already and u wanna make it better?

i just used the console (only to speed up the process) and made a khajit with smithing,enchanting,alchemy,heavy armor

then combined all to get a unarmed damage that kill town guards in 3 hits (at best, normally 5-6 hits) and nearly 1300 armor rating.

if u do the same thing to weapons or magic you can kill any mob with 1 hit, or cast an unlimited amount of spells.


originally i did this experiment to see if it was possible to raise enchanting to unlimited levels, by adding alchemy enchantments to apparels and then making a enchanting potion, after that repeating the process and adding a few % on each try. unfortunately it stopped at 29% increase, after that the increase was too low to be noticed. if it had worked then you could in theory make a iron dagger that causes 5000 damage without cheating

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