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Absolute beginner, overwhelmed, where to start


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Hello everyone,


I was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a good mod tutorial.


I'd really like to take the Designated Marksman Rifle from F:NV and port it to FO4: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42963/?


I'm having trouble even finding where to start. I tried opening the relevant mod in the creation kit, but it just complains about the New Vegas ESMs not existing.


So there's probably a tool I can use to edit the dependencies of this mod, right? Or am I approaching this all wrong?


Some pointers or links to a good howto would be greatly appreciated.


Apologies if this is considered spam or off topic.



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This may be obvious and it may not, but on top of figuring out the technicalities you'll need the original mod author's permission.

This, you need permission from the original author. At least to put up a download. You can do what you like for your own use.


From TES3 to FNV the plugin format, archive format, scripting language(TES Script), user interface (xml based), and almost everything is completely different to what FO4 uses. After FNV, bethesda did a major revision of their game engine which they named the Creation Engine, also of note they created a new scripting language called Papyrus. Your going to have to create an imitation of that mod from scratch with the FO4 tools. It will definitely not just be a three click port and play.


Maybe you can tweak the weapon meshes/textures with some work but I dont know enough about that 3D stuff. The plugin data needs to be remade in the FO4 CK but it should be very similar to the FNV version. But to restate my first point, you need permission from the original author to put up a download. You can do what you like for your own use.

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