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I want to use the Airship from Moonpath to Elsweyr, but the permissions confuse me.


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I am planning on making a Sload airship merchant. The Sload from moonpath was open use, but for the airship the credits state:

"I stil have the foliage and some other resources on the nexus, feel free to use these. But the mod and core assets such as the custom textures for giant trees and the custom airshiop i'd rather keep."


This really worried me since he hasn't been on since July, and likely won't be back. Though I found this from his

"Saddened and shocked by recent events"




"To all modders using moonpath assets: Feel free to use any and all assets I created for the moonpath. Feel free to make money of it , if that option ever turns up. A shoutout to myself or my projects is always appreciated but never required.�"



Is this enough to allow me to use his airship? Because it just seems that he didn't remember to update the mod's permissions. If I need to I could link to this post and quote it if needed.


Hearing anything from admins would be highly appreciated as well!


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I believe you should be fine. I checked his nexus profile and the last time he edited the permissions for moon path was in June in 2012, (you should go look just so you can see it forself) the article he wrote is from August 2015, long after the permissions were last updated, so the article stating everything is open resource should definitely be enough permission. I would put a link or a quote of what he said on your mod page, and explain somewhere that the permissions haven't been updated for several years, and obviously give him all credit for the resources. Also, maybe put on the page asking the moderators to let you know if it's not enough for them, so they don't just pull your mod or ban you if that's not the case. Good luck with your mod :)!


If I am wrong nexus moderators, please let me know, I don't want to get anyone in trouble.

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I believe the interior of the airship is built from component meshes and is not a single mesh.



On the moopath page in his goodbye article it says:


To all modders using moonpath assets: Feel free to use any and all assets I created for the moonpath. Feel free to make money of it , if that option ever turns up. A shoutout to myself or my projects is always appreciated but never required.


So your fine to use anything

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