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Magic Effects!!


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When I played my game I was fighting a bandit when we ended up in the water, so I had an idea, I ran out of the water and got out my lightning magic and electrocuted the water, and nothing happened!! So I thought, shouldn't something have happened? Shouldn't the water been electrified? So then I thought, someone has to make a mod that makes your magic have effects on the environment, like electrified water and freezing water with frost magic so you can walk over the top of it, and flame magic causeing steam to rise from the water, or using frost magic on torches or open flames putting them out (could be usefull for reducing light for easier sneaking) Or maybe even wooden items being lit on fire and eventually reduced to charcoal that you can then pick up (since areas respawn this would eventually return the environment to the way it was before. I just think it would be cool and even usefull in some situations.
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