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skyrim keeps crashing


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90% of all crashes on startup are missing masterfiles. There is a SKSE plugin which can help. Do you use SKSE to start your game via Steam? If the answer is no then get SKSE on steam (don't worry it's free). Remember to start your game using the SKSE loader from then on. Once you have done that go to Skyrim\Data\SKSE\ and look for skse.ini (should be there by default but if not then generate it using Windows notepad). In skse. ini add the following:



WriteMinidumps=1 (you can keep that at 0 too)


After that get:


Crash Fixes http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/?




Bug Fixes http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76747/?


After having installed it go to to Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\CrashFixPlugin.ini
Open it with Windows notepad and modify
Edited by metaforce
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skyrim crashed again got this error use allocators option could not be applied because the game has already intialized, also got skse memory fix not active,ive deleted everything again, im sorry, but im a complete nerd when it comes to this and find it hard to understand, ive done something wrong

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