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STILL broken mouse in 1.3


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So yeah, 1.3 was supposed to finally fix the mouse problems. not for me. the only time my mouse behaves normally is when my weapon is sheathed and im running. if i stop running, Y axis becomes very very unresponsive, X axis being at least 10 times more sensitive. If i unsheathe my bow and stand still, it becomes almost normal, but not quite. if i draw my bow, the problem reverses, Y axis becomes sensitive, but X axis slows down. seriously, what is up with this. ive tried deleting INI files and letting the game create new ones, and this works but brings back the horrid mouse lag. so i tweak the INI files again, and the above problem shows itself. I just cant win.
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Give this a try :biggrin:



Locate the games ini file


C:\users\<youraccount>\my documents\my games\skyrim\SkyrimPrefs.ini


under the [Controls] section of the ini file change this value








Also you might want to add 2 additional values here





Currently the X and Y axis of the mouse have different sensitivies so to get perfectly linear mouse movement in all directions you need to set both of these values to be the same.


You'll also have "input lag" if you have vsync enabled, the game forces it and you can disable that by editing the same ini file, under [Display] section change








This may cause physics glitches if your frame rate goes very high. If you want to fix that you can download an application called FPS limiter in order to limit the frame rate to 60fps.

http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34 "


" found this at HardForums.com @PrincessFrosty "

Edited by Guss
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I only notice mouse issues when:


1. doing anything in the menus ie. trying to navigate the map - the mouse cursor is incredibly un-sensitive.


2. When I zoom in with a bow the y-axis becomes super sensitive and I can barely move along the x-axis, which means that zooming in with a bow is completely useless unless my 'prey' is standing completely still (which they never are -__-)


Hopefully someone can fix this.


However, what patch 1.3 did fix is the massive fps drop when turning. When I turned my character around in 1st person view my fps went from whatever it was at (usually 30+fps) down to 5 or less fps and then when I had stopped turning it went straight back up again, which made turning really choppy, now its smooth as butter.

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