Kalimedef Posted February 4, 2008 Share Posted February 4, 2008 So I accidentally killed the two best defense shop workers, don't ask. ( In the imperial market). I was wondering if there's a way to get them back to life ( their corpses gone) without starting a new game, I need these two people for certain mods to work. :wallbash: Without starting a new game. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoots7 Posted February 4, 2008 Share Posted February 4, 2008 So I accidentally killed the two best defense shop workers, don't ask. ( In the imperial market).I was wondering if there's a way to get them back to life ( their corpses gone) without starting a new game, I need these two people for certain mods to work. :wallbash:Without starting a new game.Use the console command Click here: http://vgstrategies.about.com/library/dosw...C_NPC_Codes.htm(Try player.PlaceAtMe instead of player.AddItem) Or look here: (Edited by Hoots7, thanks LoginToDownload) Oblivion NPC CodesThere codes are used in conjunction with the player.PlaceAtMe code. Using one of the codes below will spawn the selected NPC (non-playable character). Press the tilde (~) key to bring up the console and type in the following code:player.PlaceAtMe <NPCid#>So, using one of the first codes below, if you wanted to spawn Andreas Draconis, you would do the following:Press the tilde key to bring up the console, the enter "player.PlaceAtMe 00030FDB " (without the quotes)Here is the full list of codes that can be used when spawning NPCs in Oblivion: A Stranger - 0000A2A5Abhuki - 000389B8Achille - 000A3166Adamus Phillida - 0002FB2BAdamus Phillida's Bodyguard - 001778DCAdanrel - 0001FB56Adoring Fan - 000AED40Adosi Serethi - 0002F865Adrian Decanius - 00016057Adrienne Berene - 0002950AAdventurer - 0018ABFBAelwin Merowald - 00185FE0Aengvir - 000514C4Aenvir - 00035726Afflicted Brethren - 00098254Agarmir - 0001FC54Agata - 0002D028Agnar the Unwavering - 000C55E5Agnete the Pickled - 00028F9BAgronak gro-Malog - 00037FF8Ah-Malz - 000293D5Ahdarji - 00034E87Ajum-Kajin - 000356CDAkaviri Commander Mishaxhi - 0001C48DAlawen - 0003C15FAlban Corinis - 0004F125Alban Justinius - 0002DF5FAlberic Litte - 000222B8Aldos Othran - 000034DEAleron Loche - 0000A110Alessia Ottus - 0001D346Alga - 00035EC4Algot the Northerner - 0001D344Alix Lencolia - 0018D2B4Alonzo - 0008595DAloys Bincal - 00031867Alval Uvani - 00030196Alves Uvenim - 0002D027Amantius Allectus - 000097A5Ambroise Canne - 00028E75Amir - 00026B4CAmkaos - 0003CD19Amminus Gregori - 000A369FAmusei - 0003563BAncotar - 0002F86DAncus Afranius - 0001D354Andragil - 0000A10BAndre Labouche - 000C56E4Andreas Draconis - 00030FDBAnedhel - 00026B36Angalmo - 000234BBAngalsama - 00026ADBAngelie - 0001FC51Anguilon - 0000A299Antoine Branck - 000488F3Antoinetta Marie - 00023E36Antus Flonius - 00067418Antus Odiil - 000222A0Anvil Guard - 0000A0AEAnvil Jailor - 0000BE55Anvil Soldier - 00026EB4Arcturus - 000A3163Ardaline - 0002D01BAreldil - 0001FDD5Arena Champion - 000274CCArena Contestant - 00082DE5Arena Mouth - 00046653Arentus Falvius - 00035EB9Argonian Chieftain - 0000556DArgonian Shaman - 00005569Argonian Tribesman - 00005560Ariela Doran - 000222B0Arielle Jurard - 0002FD6EAriente - 0006BD2BArkana - 00027066Arkved - 0001EC12Armand Christophe - 00034870Arnora - 0005383FArnora Auria - 00035ECDArquen - 00036308Arterion - 00035A18Arvena Thelas - 0003571DArvin Dalvilu - 0001ECC9Aryarie - 0002D01DAscended Immortal - 000C526BAshanta - 00009C39Ashni - 0009700CAshtus Chenius - 0001E783Assassin - 00014A27Astante - 00059D2FAstav Wirich - 00026093Astia Inventius - 0000A29EAstinia Atius - 0001FDD1Atahba - 000479F7Athragar - 000234BAAthrelor - 0002D6FDAtraena - 0002F876Audens Avidius - 00026D9AAugusta Calidia - 0002F874Aviera Nirol - 0008ADCCAvrus Adas - 00034E6AAyisha - 0008521CAyleid Guardian - 00014F16Aymar Douar - 00026B7BAzani Blackheart - 0002C623Azura's Voce for Recording - 0002C6C0Azzan - 00024166Baenlin - 00023F0BBaeralorn - 0000A28CBandit - 000055BDBandit Bowman - 00069AD2Bandit Hedge Wizard - 00069AD4Bandit Ringleader - 00009ABEBanus Alor - 0003630ABaragon - 000A3167Barthel Gernand - 0003186CBasil Ernarde - 0001EC0EBatul gra-Sharob - 0002D6FBBaurion - 0003001DBaurus - 00023F2ABazur gro-Gharz - 000034DDBeatrice Gene - 000982F9Beewos - 00026ADABeirir - 0001ECCFBejeen - 00034E84Belgarr - 00025264Belisarius - 00037572Belisarius Arius - 00036309Beran Sintav - 00016065Berich Inian - 00028036Bernadette Peneles - 000294AFBetto Plotius - 00034E89Biene Amelion - 000091F5Bittneld the Curse-Bringer - 000234A7Bjalfi the Contemptible - 00185FE3Black Bow Bandit - 000908ACBlack Bow Ringleader - 000908B6Black Brugo - 0008595ABlack Rock Captain - 000CA18EBlack Rock Pirate - 000CA18DBlackwood Company Guard - 00001734Blackwood Company Member - 0003B302Blanche Mastien - 000B11D6Bleak Mine Guard - 0001EC4CBleak Mine Guard Captain - 0001EC4BBlind Moth Prelate - 0014C46EBlind Moth Priest - 0014C466Bloodcrust Vampire - 0004872ABlue Team Combatant - 0002ACD2Blue Team Gladiator - 0014683CBoderi Farano - 00034EB3Boethia's Chosen - 000A2ADDBoethia's Voice for Recording - 0009F98ABogrum Gro-Galash - 0000A082Boldon - 0002D6F6Bolor Savel - 00016483Bongond - 000234B6Borba gra-Uzgash - 000034C4Borissean - 00034EB0Boromir - 0002319FBoroneth - 00098252Bosmer Thief - 0001BC2ABothiel - 00034EB7Bradon Lirrian - 00035EC6Brag gro-Bharg - 00027F95Bralsa Andaren - 0003E92FBranwen - 000A713BBravil Jailor - 0000A17DBremman Senyan - 00031BC7Brielus Gawey - 0006845ABritta Invel - 0001C166Brodras - 00034E72Brokil gro-Shatur - 0000A085Bronsila Kvinchal - 000477DBBrooke - 000231A0Brotch Calus - 0002991EBrother Hjar - 000982FCBrother Holger - 000982FEBrother Hridi - 000982FDBrother Martin - 00033907Brother Piner - 000223ADBruccius the Orphan - 00015D85Bruce - 00025237Brucetus Festinius - 0002AF42Bruma Guard - 0004630BBruma Investigator Guard - 00037F74Bruma Jailor - 000362EDBruma Militia - 000272C5Bruma Soldier - 000277A5Bruscius Longus - 0005D517Bugak gro-Bol - 00037C33Bumph gra-Gash - 00035EC2Bur-Meema - 0009786BBurd - 00035EBEBurz gro-Khash - 00024167Caelia Draconis - 00030FD9Caenlin - 00073279Caenlorn - 0000A27DCaldwyn - 00027E03Calindil - 00015EA9Callia Bincal - 00031869Camilla Lollia - 000038B5Caminalda - 0002DC08Camonna Tong Thug - 00009236Candice Corgine - 000243C8Captain Baszone Patneim - 00094BE8Captain Gepard Montrose - 00095331Captain Renault - 0002349FCaptain Steffan - 00020078Carahil - 0002CD1ECarandial - 0000A108Caranya - 00034EADCargas Laftrius - 0001E796Carius Runellius - 00037F73Carmalo Truiand - 00035C83Carmana Sintav - 0001605ACarmen Litte - 000222AECaroline - 00037575Carsten - 000039AECartrus Gavinius - 0001E10ECarwen - 0001FB57Casta Flavus - 000A9487Casta Scribonia - 000222ACCat-Face - 000479F5Caula Allectus - 0001D34CCeledaen - 000355F8Chana Mona - 0000A08CChanel - 000222BAChapel Guard - 0001E831Cheydinhal Gate Guard - 00031C31Cheydinhal Guard - 000055C2Cheydinhal Jailor - 000055D6Cheydinhal Soldier - 00026F0DChorrol Guard - 000222BBChorrol Jailor - 00028C80Chorrol Soldier - 000270F6Christophe Marane - 0002DC04Cicero Verus - 00015EA7Ciindil - 0001ECD8Cingaer - 00002E95Cingor - 00034E86Cirroc - 00035EB8City-Swimmer - 0000A109Claude Maric - 0002AF05Claudette Perrick - 00015EABClaudius Arcadia - 00071D4BClesa - 0003E0DFColin Stedrine - 000982F8Collatinus Vedius - 0002B529Conjurer - 0004B92DConjurer Adept - 00009AC0Contumeliorus Florius - 000222B7Corrick Northwode - 00189D01Corrupted Clone - 00073A2FCorvus Umbranox - 0000C22DCosmus the Cheat - 00015D81Count Andel Indarys - 000034CACount Marius Caro - 00034E6DCount Regulus Terentius - 0000A08ECount Tyrone Rugen - 0002B7D0Count's Bodyguard - 000055D4Countess Alessia Caro - 00034E8CCountess Arriana Valga - 000234AACountess Millona Umbranox - 0000A288Countess Narina Carvain - 00035EBBCountess' Bodyguard - 0003597ACountess's Bodyguard - 0000C0F3Courier - 000BE330Curtis - 0001D34ACylben Dolovas - 000947BBCyronin Sintav - 00016059Cyrus - 0001DB3EDaenlin - 0000A089Dagail - 0002CD22Dairihill - 0000A289Damian Magius - 0001DFB1Danus Artellian - 00028FB9Dar Jee - 00034E76Dar-Ma - 000280C9Dark Brotherhood Murderer - 00086753DAVaerminaVoice - 0008ADCADavela Hlaren - 0003AB4EDavide Surilie - 000294BFDead Argonian Agent - 0003558BDead Bandit - 0006BFA4Dead Captain - 00095A40Dead Captive - 00064C1DDead Crewmember - 00095A41Dead Marauder - 00065E39Dead Meat - 000980E0Dead Scholar - 000C8808Dead Treasure Hunter - 000CA005Decentius Opsius - 00034E8BDeeh the Scalawag - 00015D89Deetsan - 0002D021Deetum-Ja - 000514C5Degil - 000B11D4Delmar - 00034EB4Delos Fandas - 00015EA2Delphine Jend - 0002CB2DDemetrius - 0005D545Denel - 00035F52Dennilwen - 00002E9BDenyiir - 00025266derek - 000342C3Dervera Romalen - 000034C0Dewey Decimal - 00025350Dhola - 00085110Didier Aumilie - 0000A281Dion - 00028FB2Diram Serethi - 0002F864Doorkeeper - 0001F106Dorian - 0001FDD3Dovesi Dran - 000277D2Dovyn Aren - 0001605CDralora Athram - 0001FC56Dranas Lerano - 00035728Dranas Llethro - 000477ECDrarana Thelis - 0000BEA7Dredena Hlavel - 0001ECD6Dreet-Lai - 00009C3ADrels Theran - 0000A093Dremora Archer - 00014686Dremora Caitiff - 00000FCEDremora Captain - 0003ABADDremora Churl - 00000FCBDremora Feydnaz - 0000C57CDremora Hatred Keeper - 00014D61Dremora Kynmarcher - 00000FD8Dremora Kynreeve - 00000FD5Dremora Kynval - 00000FD1Dremora Lord - 0003B3DCDremora Markynaz - 00000FDBDremora Scout - 00014C59Dremora Sigil Keeper - 00093EF0Dremora Valkynaz - 00000FC8Dro'Nahrahe - 0000A08FDro'shanji - 0002CA36Druja - 000293EEDubok gro-Shagk - 0002C7C5Dul gro-Shug - 00016056Dulfish gro-Orum - 000034D4Dumania Jirich - 0000A287Dynari Amnis - 0001FC57Earana - 000224E2Edgar Vautrine - 00015E9DEdla Dark-Heart - 00035ECFEduard Denile - 00034597Eduard Hodge - 00074A94Eduard Retiene - 000327BAEilonwy - 0002D023Eitar - 00034E82Elante of Alinor - 00003435Eldamil - 0003C806Eletta - 000352B3Elidor - 00027F93Elisa Pierrane - 00016063Elragail - 0001FDD0Else God-Hater - 00028F96Elsynia - 0003E183Emfrid - 000234B7Emperor Uriel Septim - 00023F2EEngorm - 0001C150Enilroth - 00036307Enrion - 00009C3BEr-Teeus - 0001ECB1Eridor - 000039A6Erina Jeranus - 00028F90Erissare Arenim - 0002C0EBErline Lirrian - 00035EC7Ernest - 0003E0DEErnest Manis - 0001FDCFEronor - 000223AFErrandil - 000034C8Erthor - 0002D6E6Estelle Renoit - 000234B0Etira Moslin - 000280C7Eugal Belette - 000222ADEvangeline Beanique - 0014C715Eyja - 0003E193Fadus Calidius - 000293DBFaelian - 0002F875Fafnir - 000837D0Falanu Hlaalu - 00028E73Falcar - 0002CD21Fallen Knight of the Thorn - 00071B91Farwil Indarys - 00031BC5Fathis Aren - 0000A090Fathis Ules - 0002BA47Faurinthil - 0009700AFaustina Cartia - 0003AA89Felen Relas - 0002D019Ferrum - 000A3165Ferul Ravel - 00026AD6Fetid Jofnhild - 00015D84Fighters Guild Porter - 000947A9First Mate Filch - 000738DBFirst Mate Malvulis - 00048962Fithragaer - 0000BEE6Fjotreid - 00035EB6Floyd Nathans - 000B167DForgotten One - 0005DC98Foroch - 0003AB51Fortis - 000A3162Foul Fagus - 00015D8BFralav the Faker - 0001C459Francine Velain - 0008510FFrancois Motierre - 0002C0C6Galtus Previa - 0002D728Gan Luseph - 00035EC0Ganredhel - 000034DBGarrus Darelliun - 00031C23Gaspar Stegine - 00034EB1Gaston Surilie - 000294C0Gaston Tussaud - 00025299Gaturn gro-Gonk - 000234B5Geel - 00034E7DGeem Jasaiin - 0001EB82Gelephor - 00015EA3Gellius Terentius - 0000A092Gemellus Axius - 0001FDD4Genghis - 0003832FGenghisClad - 00038331Gerard Melie - 00028FA6Gerich Senarel - 00035EBFGhorub gro-Ugdub - 0009828BGhost of Alain - 00033CD8Ghost of Casnar - 000364B8Ghost of Rielus - 000364B9Ghost of Valdemar - 000364B7Gilen Norvalo - 0001D24EGilgondorin - 0000A084Gin-Wulm - 0003E92DGiovanni Civello - 00037E8DGithriian - 00002E99Glarthir - 000294C3Glenroy - 00023F2BGlistel - 000222A3Goblin Jim - 00031317Gogan - 0003B3D3Gogron gro-Bolmog - 00023E38Gorgo gro-Shura - 0000A2A4Graklak gro-Buglump - 00028F92Graman gro-Marad - 0000C1D5Grantham Blakeley - 000347B2Gregory Arne - 00026ADCGrey-Throat - 0001D252Gromm - 00023F0CGruiand Garrana - 000034C9Guard - 00027FCDGuilbert Jemane - 00023E86Guilbert Selone - 0018AD6BGul gro-Burbog - 00026B38Gundalas - 00034E68Gunder - 00028F98Gureryne Selvilo - 000234ADGwendolyn - 000837CFGwinas - 00022466Hackdirt Brethren - 000280C6Haekwon - 00026B53Hafid Hollowleg - 00035EB0Hagaer - 0001D352Hal-Liurz - 00028FB0Hamlof Red-Tooth - 00015EA0Hannibal Traven - 00034E16Hans Black-Nail - 0000A091Hanz gro-Hubrag - 000B167FHarrow - 00033905Hasathil - 0000A29CHassiri - 0001FDCEHastrel Ottus - 0001D345Hauls-Ropes-Faster - 0000A297Havilstein Hoar-Blood - 000301ACHawkeye - 00027064Hears-Voices-In-The-Air - 000B1670Heinrich Oaken-Hull - 0000A29BHelvius Cecia - 00035ED0Helvo Atius - 0001FC50HEMale - 000245A5Henantier - 0002CA35Herminia Cinna - 0002E5C6Hides-His-Heart - 000234B3Hieronymus Lex - 0003486EHigh Chancellor Ocato - 00014699Highwayman - 000C5229Hil the Tall - 000034C6Hillod the Outlaw - 000477EDHindaril - 000977DAHircine's Voice for Recording - 00051EDBHirtel - 0002D6FFHjolfrodi the Harrier - 0001E70CHlaro Dren - 00064DA4Hlidara Mothril - 00034E8DHlofgar - 00009C38Homraz gra Morgrump - 000234B1Honditar - 000234B9Honmund - 00035EC3Hrol Ulfgar - 0001ECD0Humilis Nonius - 0003C97AHundolin - 00029D75Hunting Tail - 00098295Huurwen - 0000A294I walk up and down stairs - 00085E4BIda Ottus - 0001D347Ida Vlinorman - 0001605DIdrolian - 00002E9AIlav Dralgoner - 0002D6ECIlend Vonius - 0009812FIlvel Romayn - 0001ECADImperial Jailor - 0018D1F4Imperial Legion Archer - 00001145Imperial Legion Battlemage - 0009263BImperial Legion Captain - 0004892FImperial Legion Centurion - 00035DFDImperial Legion Forester - 00061444Imperial Legion Messenger - 000146EAImperial Legion Soldier - 00001144Imperial Legionnaire - 0009061AImperial Prison Guard - 00045F7EImperial Watch - 0001C34BImus the Dull - 00015D82Iniel Sintav - 00016055Inigo Montoya - 0002B7CEIrene Metrick - 00016058Irlav Jarol - 00014674Irroke the Wide - 00026B14Isa Raman - 00035EB7Isabeau Bienne - 00026B4FIsleif the Open Handed - 000477E5Isolde - 0000A298Istirus Brolus - 00035EC8Ita Rienus - 0002D01CItius Hayn - 00026D98Iver - 000151FCJ'baana - 0009346EJ'Baasha - 0008521BJ'bari - 00034E77J'Ghasta - 00030148J'mhad - 000221C3J'riska - 000897DDJ'skar - 0002D01EJ'zin-Dar - 0000A10CJa'Fazir - 00034E7AJair - 000477D4Jakben, Earl of Imbel - 000148D5Jalbert - 000C80FDJanonia Aurunceia - 0004F77DJantus Brolus - 00035EC9Januarius Aurunceia - 0004F77EJanus Hassildor - 00028FAEJaras Invel - 0001C168Jastia Sintav - 00016067Jauffre - 00023999Javolia Maborel - 0005D547Jean-Pierre Lemonds - 0000A086Jeanne Frasoric - 0002CD20Jearl - 00035ECBJee-Tah - 0002FF2AJeelius - 00024E0AJeetum-Ze - 000356ECJena - 00037576Jena Sintav - 00016068Jensine - 00015EA4Jesan Rilian - 0002800BJesan Sextius - 0000A2A3Jhared Strongblade - 000335B1Jirolin Doran - 000234ACJiv Hiriel - 000280CAJolie Retiene - 000327BFJollring - 0002AB4CJorck the Outcast - 00015D83Jorundr - 00036244Julienne Fanis - 00034EAFJulitta Plotius - 00034E8AK'Sharr - 00003946Kalthar - 0002D8C0Kantav Cheynoslin - 00034E6CKarinnarre - 0003E188Kastav Kvinchal - 000477DDKastus Sintav - 00016064Kathutet - 0003C805Keld of the Isles - 000034CFKewan - 0001ECA9Kiara - 0002DC06Kirsten - 0001ECD2Krognak gro-Brok - 0000A296Kud-Ei 0002CD1F - Kurdan gro-Dragol - 0001F428Kurdan's Imperial Hunter - 0001FEEAKurdan's Nord Hunter - 0001FEECKurdan's Orc Hunter - 0001FEEFKurz gro-Baroth - 000234BEKvatch Soldier - 00026F18Kylius Lonavo - 00181C64Lackey - 0002AB55Lady Drad - 0001EC33Lady Rogbut gra-Shurgak - 0000BE80Laenafil - 00028FA7Langley - 0000A28BLaralthir - 0000A286Larthjar the Laggard - 0000BD60Lashana - 0006BD2DLaythe Wavrick - 000038CALazare Milvan - 00028E72Lazy Kaslowyn - 00015D87Lenka Valus - 0018AD70Lerexus Callidus - 00181C68Ley Marillin - 00016053Leyawiin City Watch - 0000A0B8Leyawiin Guard - 00034E71Leyawiin Jailor - 00035F8FLeyawiin Soldier - 00026F20Lithnilian - 00185374Llensi Llaram - 0000A293Llevana Nedaren - 000034DFLogvaar - 00035EB1Lonely Man - 00023D7ELord Drad - 0001EC31Lord Lovidicus - 00038EDDLord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak - 0000BE7FLordGenghis - 0003E915Lorgren Benirus - 0006E7EFLorkmir - 0004DE82Luciana Galena - 0000A10ALucien Lachance - 000034AFLuckless Lucina - 00015D86Lum gro-Baroth - 000234BFLumdum gro-Golpok - 0001DFB3Lurio Maenius - 00022BBDLuronk gro-Glurzog - 0001D350Luther Broad - 00023DE6Lynch - 0000C1D8Lynda Carter - 000CD302Lyra Rosentia - 00035EC5M'aiq the Liar - 000C47ECM'dasha - 000897DFM'dirr - 000897E1M'raaj-Dar - 00023E35Ma'Raska - 00026B37Mach-Na - 00023FEAMaelona - 0000A2A2Maenlorn - 0000A27CMaeva the Buxom - 00185FE5Mage - 00032940Mage Apprentice - 0006AAAFMage Scholar - 0006A82EMaglir - 00024165Magra gro-Naybek - 0003E190Magub gro-Orum - 000034D5Mahei - 00034E7FMaknok gro-Coblug - 000034DAMalacath's Voice for Recording - 00051EE2Malene - 0003001CMalintus Ancrus - 000222A6Malyani Dalvilu - 0001ECCCMandil - 00016060Manheim Maulhand - 000224EEMankar Camoran - 00033908Mannimarco - 00016487Marana Rian - 0001D353Marauder - 00069AD7Marauder Archer - 00069AD9Marauder Battlemage - 00069AD6Marauder Warlord - 0003CD2BMarc Gulitte - 0002D01AMarcel Amelion - 000A345BMaren the Seal - 0001ECABMargarte - 00034E81Marguerite Diel - 00033904Mariana Ancharia - 000034C2Marie Alouette - 000327BBMarie Palielle - 00028F9FMariette Rielle - 000038B3Marinus Catiotus - 0001605EMarlena Brussiner - 000280CBMaro Rufus - 00015EACMartina Floria - 00034EB5Marz - 0000A08BMathieu Bellamont - 0000398AMatilde Petit - 000277D5Matthias Draconis - 00030FDAMattius Wotrus - 0006BD29Mazoga the Orc - 00085969Melisande - 0003E931Mels Maryon - 0001EBF7Melus Petilius - 00026B46Menien Goneld - 0009812EMensa Selas - 0008521DMephala's Voice for Recording - 00051EE3Merandil - 00028035Mercator Hosidus - 00035649Mercenary - 000C7944Merete - 000151FEMerildor - 00059D2EMethredhel - 00034E99Miner - 000025FDMinerva - 000224EFMinx - 0000C1D9Mirabelle Monet - 0000A295Mirie - 0001ECAFMirisa - 00031540Mivryna Arano - 0004E887Modryn Oreyn - 000234C0Mog gra-Mogakh - 00028F8CMogens Wind-Shifter - 0008521AMondrar Henim - 00035A16Mor gra-Gamorn - 00026ACCMug gro-Murgak - 0009829BMurdered Beggar - 000919C8Mythic Dawn Acolyte - 00094E88Mythic Dawn Agent - 0002F108Mythic Dawn Guard - 00022C82Mythic Dawn Leader - 0002F101Mythic Dawn Storeroom Guard - 00026FC9Myvryna Arano - 0003529ANahsi - 0000A095Nardhil - 0004D83CNaspia Cosma - 000034CBNatch Pinder - 000280CCNecromancer - 0001EC05Necromancer Adept - 0004B948Nedhelfin - 00002E97Neesha - 00028FACNels the Naughty - 000277D4Nermus the Mooch - 00015D88Nerussa - 000BB9CBNeville - 000277D1Newheim the Portly - 00035740Night Child - 000C509CNigidius the Needy - 00015D8CNilawen - 0000A087Niraegaer - 00002E96Nivan Dalvilu - 0001ECC8No-Coins Draninus - 0001C45ANorasa Adus - 0005D516Norbert Lelles - 00035724Nordinor - 0003E17ENormalHead - 00029916Noveni Othran - 000353DFNumeen - 00034E7EOcheeva - 000224ECOghash gra-Magul - 000034DCOgier Georick - 00015E9AOhtesse - 000034C7Ohtimbar - 000034D0Olav - 00035EACOlava the Fair - 0000A08DOleed-Ei - 00034E7COleta - 00090AB3Olfand - 00035EB5Olyn Seran - 00026B4DOn-Staya Sundew - 00033906Ongar the World-Weary - 00035ECAOntus Vanin - 0001CF33Orag gra-Bargol - 000234AEOrgnolf Hairy-Legs - 000222B9Orintur - 0002D022Ormellius Goldwine - 00031E96Ormil - 0000C1D4Orok gro-Ghoth - 000234A8Orrin - 0000A2A1Orthe - 0003CD1BOrtis - 00026AD9Othrelos - 0001605FOtius Loran - 000234ABOtumeel - 00034E88Owyn - 000222B6Pajeen - 000A3833Palace Guard - 00115DFEPale Lady - 0004B76FPalonirya - 00015EA8Parwen - 000293E4Pelagius - 000A3164Penniless Olvus - 00015D7FPennus Mallius - 0001D356Perennia Draconis - 00030FDCPetrine - 00035EADPhilip Franc - 000B1681Phintias - 00015E9BPinarus Inventius - 0000A29DPirate - 000738DEPista Marillin - 00016054Pranal - 000389BDPraxedes Afranius - 0001D355Priest of Arkay - 0001CEAAPrimo Antonius - 000277D3Prince Humperdinck - 0002B7D2Prior Maborel - 000223ABPrisoner - 0003EAADPuny Ancus - 000165EDQuill-Weave - 0000A2A0R'vanni - 0000A10DRa'Jahirr - 00034E85Ra'Jhan - 0001E750Ra'jhera the Keeneye - 000CD327Ra'jiradh - 0001FDCCRa'qanar - 000034CERaelynn the Gravefinder - 00185378Ragbag Buntara - 0001C45BRallus Odiil - 0002229FRalsa Nethan - 00097865Ralsa Norvalo - 0001D343Raminus Polus - 00034E15Rana - 00034E7BRanaline - 0000A083Rancid Ra'dirsha - 00015D8ARanyu - 0003CD1ARasheda - 000234AFRaven Camoran - 0000ABB5Raynil Dralas - 00035EAERedas Dalvilu - 0001ECCAReenum - 0000A112Regner - 00035ECEReistr the Rotted - 0000A10ERellian - 0002C7C6Reman Broder - 000294A2Rena Bruiant - 000222B2Renald Viernis - 00034EB6Renee Geonette - 0001D34ERestita Statlilia - 00068459Reynald Jemane - 000222A8Rhano - 0000A290Ri'Bassa - 00026AEDRi'Jirr - 0001C13DRi'Zakar - 00035703Rienna - 00027F94Right-Wind - 00035EC1Rigmor - 0002AF3CRimalus Bruiant - 000222B3Rindir - 00015E9CRis Fralmoton - 00015EA1Rochelle Bantien - 0001FC53Roderic Pierrane - 0001623ARoderick - 00028FA4Rogmesh gra-Coblug - 000034D9Rohssan - 0001C14CRoland Jenseric - 0001D34BRolgarel - 0001D0ACRoliand - 00037573Roliand Hanus - 0002FD70Romana Faleria - 00016062Rona - 000982A5Rona Hassildor - 0003E956Rosentia Gallenus - 00033C74Roxanne Brigette - 0000A10FRoxy Aric - 0008595BRufio - 000224F0Rufrius Vinicius - 0000A291Ruma Camoran - 0002952DRusia Bradus - 0000A29FRuslan - 0001D351Rythe Lythandas - 000034D2S'drassa - 0002D026S'jirra - 00177A2BS'kasha - 00067417S'Krivva - 00035DD6S'mirra - 000514C6S'rathad - 0001FDD2S'razirr - 0002AF3ES'shani - 0000A280S'thasa - 000897E7Sabine Laul - 000234BDSakeepa - 0002F85FSaliith - 000A713CSalmo - 00029495Salomon Geonette - 0001D34DSamuel Bantien - 0001FC52Sanctuary Door Voice - 00048968Satha Dalvilu - 0001ECCBSaveri Faram - 00035ECCSavlian Matius - 00028007Scar-Tail - 0003558ASchlera Sestius - 00024412Seed-Neeus - 000234B8Selena Orania - 0002D020Selene - 0000C1D7Sergius Verus - 00015EA6Seridur - 0001CF76Servatius Quintilius - 00026D99Severius Atius - 0001FC4FShady Sam - 000C45B5Shafaye - 00026B2CShagol gro-Bumph - 0002F861Shaleez - 0003018EShamada - 00034E66Shamar - 000039ABShameer - 000294B7Shelley - 000034C3Sherina - 00034E73Shobob gro-Rugdush - 0001EC37Shomara - 00034E67Shows-His-Arrow-Quickly - 00027065Shum gro-Yarug - 00028FB6Shuravi - 00034E65Sibylla Draconis - 00030FD8Siege Crawler Sentry - 0009C26ASigil Keeper - 0009504DSigny Home-Wrecker - 0003AA85Sigrid - 0002D701Silana Blandia - 00034E6BSimplicia the Slow - 0001C458Sinderion - 0003E92BSings-Like-Thunder - 000B166ESister Angrond - 000ACE6DSister Phebe Jeanard - 000ACE73Skaleel - 00035F43Skingrad Guard - 0000C03ESkingrad Jailor - 0002C0B7Skingrad Soldier - 00026F25Skjorta - 00035EB4Slythe Seringi - 00185DC9Snak gra-Bura - 0006B32BSnar the Cook - 00035EB2Soris Arenim - 0002F1FDSoul of Er-Teeus - 0001ECB2Soul of Ilvel Romayn - 0001ECAESoul of Kewan - 0001ECAASoul of Maren the Seal - 0001ECACSoul of Mirie - 0001ECB0Stantus Varrid - 0001D349Sten the Ugly - 0000A292Storn the Burly - 00035727Styrbjorn - 00033900Sulinus Vassinus - 000293EDSurius Afranius - 0002B5EBSuurootan - 00035EB3Tadrose Helas - 0000A096Talasma - 000234B4Tamika - 000294CCTanasa Arano - 000034D8Tandilwe - 000153B9Tar-Meena - 00132AEBTavia - 0002D6F9Teekeeus - 000234BCTeinaava - 00023E34Telaendril - 000251CETenville - 0008ADCBTermanwe - 0001C16DTertia Viducia - 000034C5Tertius Favonius - 00016061Tertullian Verus - 00015EA5Thalfin - 000151FAThamriel - 0001FDCBThaurron - 0002D018The Forlorn Watchman - 000347B1The Gray Fox - 00014653The Night Mother - 0000922BTheranis - 0001624CThiirchel - 00002E94Thorley Aethelred - 0018AFD9Thoronir - 00015E9EThrangirfin - 00002E98Thulsa Doom - 0002576BThurindil - 0000A29ATierra - 00028034Tilmo - 000545D9Timothee LaRouche - 0002991ATivela Lythandas - 000034D3Tolgan - 0001C494Tolisi Girith - 000034D7Tolvasa Sendas - 000A3832Tooth-in-the-Sea - 0003C165Torbal the Sufficient - 00026F96Torbern - 000613B8Toutius Sextius - 000293F7Tovas Selvani - 000034E0Trayvond the Redguard - 0002D024Trenus Duronius - 0001D348Trevaia - 0000A285Tsalajma - 000897E3Tsarrina - 0003AA83Tsavi - 00034E6FTsramla - 000897E5Tsrava - 00034E78Tumindil - 00028F9DTun-Zeeus - 00034E69Tyrellius Logellus - 0005378DUgak gra-Mogakh - 00028F8DUlen Athram - 0001FC55Ulene Hlervu - 000034CDUlfgar Fog-Eye - 0000A27BUlmug gro-Cromgog - 00028FA9Ulrich Leland - 000034CCUlrika Ulfgar - 0001ECD1Umbacano - 0002AB4EUmbra - 00026B1BUmog gra-Marad - 0002B528Undena Orethi - 00028E7DUngarion - 0000A088Ungolim - 000301C4Unknown Victim - 0008592FUravasa Othrelas - 0000A08AUrbul gro-Orkulg - 00015EAAUrjabhi - 0001FDCDUrnsi Serethi - 0002F866Ursanne Loche - 0000A111Usheeja - 0002B5EAUuras the Shepherd - 00028E84Uurwen 0002D025 - Uzul gro-Grulam - 0001FB55Vajhira - 0001EC5DValandrus Abor - 00028FA1Valen Dreth - 00025200Valen Dreth - 0002DF7AValus Odiil - 000222A1Vamp Chow - 0003DB99Vampire - 00003A8AVampire Acrobat - 0003264AVampire Agent - 00032648Vampire Archer - 00032645Vampire Assassin - 00032649Vampire Barbarian - 00032641Vampire Bard - 0003264DVampire Battlemage - 00032651Vampire Crusader - 00032642Vampire Knight - 00069AF0Vampire Mage - 0003264EVampire Monk - 0003264BVampire Nightblade - 00032654Vampire Patriarch - 00032BFEVampire Pilgrim - 0003264CVampire Rogue - 00032646Vampire Scout - 00032644Vampire Sorcerer - 00032650Vampire Spellsword - 00032653Vampire Thief - 00032647Vampire Warrior - 00032640Vampire Witchhunter - 00032652Vandorallen Trebatius - 00028FB7Vantus Prelius - 0002C7C7Varel Morvayn - 0000A283Varnado - 00015EADVaron Vamori - 0002991CVarulae - 00095A45Velan Andus - 0001DFB0Velus Hosidius - 00015EAEVelwyn Benirus - 0003628DViator Accius - 00015E9FVicente Valtieri - 00023E39Vidkun - 0002E5AFViera Lerus - 0000A25CVigdis - 0000A28FVigge the Cautious - 000293F3Vilena Donton - 000234C1Vincent Galien - 0000A094Vinicia Melissaeia - 00047720Viranus Donton - 0002D71FVlanarus Kvinchal - 000477DCVlanhonder Moslin - 000280C8Vlarimil Orius - 0001C16AVolanaro - 0000A09AVontan Sintav - 00016066Vontus Idolus - 000039B1Voranil - 000034D6Wallace - 000234B2Weebam-Na - 00034E83Weedum-Ja - 0002D6EEWidehead - 00029915Wilbur - 0000A27EWilhelm the Worm - 0000A282Willet - 0001D340Winson - 0001605BWitseidutsei - 0002C8D8Worm Anchorite - 000336F6Wrath - 0000C1DAWretched Aia - 00015D80Wumeek - 0001EB7FYellow Team Bloodletter - 00029908Yellow Team Brawler - 00029234Yellow Team Champion - 0002996BYellow Team Combatant - 0002ACD1Yellow Team Gladiator - 0002994EYellow Team Hero - 00029968Yellow Team Myrmidon - 00029912Yellow Team Pit Dog - 0002A2B3Yellow Team Warrior - 00029938Ysabel Andronicus - 00037CDDYushi - 00026B4EYvara Channitte - 00035EBCZabhila - 00026AEFZahrasha - 000352B1 (Edited by Hoots7, thanks LoginToDownload) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kalimedef Posted February 4, 2008 Author Share Posted February 4, 2008 I'll have to find them in that list, but thanks a lot! :biggrin: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hoots7 Posted February 4, 2008 Share Posted February 4, 2008 I'll have to find them in that list, but thanks a lot! :biggrin:DONETrainer, (comes in & out) Gin-Wulm - 0003E92DLight Armor, Maro Rufus - 00015EACHeavy Armor, Varnado - 00015EAD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kalimedef Posted February 4, 2008 Author Share Posted February 4, 2008 Thanks, but they don't seem to be working? Any other fixes? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LoginToDownload Posted February 4, 2008 Share Posted February 4, 2008 Try player.PlaceAtMe instead of player.AddItem? I didn't think AddItem could work that way... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kalimedef Posted February 4, 2008 Author Share Posted February 4, 2008 Try player.PlaceAtMe instead of player.AddItem? I didn't think AddItem could work that way...That worked Kudos! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reg Varney Posted February 6, 2008 Share Posted February 6, 2008 So I accidentally killed the two best defense shop workers, don't ask. ( In the imperial market). I was wondering if there's a way to get them back to life ( their corpses gone) without starting a new game, I need these two people for certain mods to work. :wallbash: Without starting a new game. If their bodies were still lying around you could have just clicked on them from the console and typed resurrect. Ah, just noticed their corpses were gone. Pardon me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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