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ihateyou66666 - BANNED

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ihateyou66666 banned.




Reason for the ban

On this site, you do not get to talk to a mod author in this manner (or to any other user, for that matter).


f*** YOU rooster-lover THE f***ing FILE DOESN'T f***ing WORK I WILL KILL YOU


Our warning system

The Nexus staff may issue informal and formal warnings to users who break our terms of service and rules. However in cases where a severe breach of our rules has occurred users may be banned irrespective of whether the user has previously been warned. To clarify; moderators are not required to warn a user before they are banned. Such cases where instant bans can be handed out include piracy, profanity laden personal insults, threats of real-world violence, intentional violation of copyright laws/mod authors right to control the use and distribution of their mods. Informal warnings may be handed out for minor infractions or in cases where it is clear that a rule was misunderstood.


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