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Construction Set Sound?


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This isn't super-duper urgent, it's just been bugging me for a while.


Meaning since approximately two years ago.


Anyway, I've gotten into heavy modding, and by that, I mean I'm taking it seriously instead of "I'm gonna build a super huge dungeon that's pitch black with no path-nodes or lights or monsters but 1.5 Trillion pieces of gold!"


Sound is important in a game. I know how to set the "Default", "Dungeon," and "Public" sound settings, but when I actually select sounds in the Construction Set, alas! When I want to hear what I'm putting in, I hit play, and normally, sound would come out, right? Wrong. No sound. No sound means I have no idea what I'm putting in. I've also looked up why I can't hear these sounds.


Play: Plays the current sound file if one is being pointed to. This only works if you apply your changes by hitting OK and then opening the sound object again. You must have your Sounds BSA file unpacked to use this.


This is the only thing I can find, and I have NO idea how to do that. Google reveals nothing to me, and this makes me sad.


Any help would be appreciated, but as previously stated, this isn't super-urgent. Just annoying.



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If you have Oblivion Mod Manager already it has a BSA utility included (click 'Utilities' then select 'BSA Browser'). You would need to put the extracted sound files in your game install Data folder (treat this the same as a replacer mod, which in a way it is ... you are replacing the compressed sounds in the BSA with their uncompressed counterpart).
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