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Show Lizard Ladies Love! Can Argonians be Beautiful?


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Have you ever created a cute (or even kinda smexy) Argonian character? Share them here! I've honestly always wanted to play an Argonian female, but could never create one that appealed to me. I'd love to see yours and get some ideas!

With characters like that there beauty is kinda of proportional to there anthropomorphic level, (lizard level) the key is to find mods to turn it down in a natural way, make them look more like a woman...but not like a nord cosplaying...they still have to be what they are, but more like the result of a halfbreed between say a nord and one of them. Then you simply have an exotic woman with claws and scales, (and boobs) like the necromancer in quest for infamy, which was attractive.

Edited by skyquest32
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