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Shops not netting caps anymore


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Well you see cossayos at some point the game just hits an artificially created "cap level" with Aid, Junk, and yes "Caps" found in misc.


You will have to use a mod to force the game to just keep piling on the caps.

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Not with caps, it doesn't.


Yes, the game has some artifficial and very low cap for resourcess in your workshop. You have to clear the food and water in it pretty much every couple of days, or it stops producing. And even just leaving the materials there from clearing the place will make scavengers take a perpetual vacation.


Stupid, I know, but there is a mod that uncaps it: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12430/?


It also increases the probability of an attack eventually, if you leave enough resources pile up that raiding your settlement is starting to look better than raiding Fort Knox.



However, NO, that's not the case with caps. Caps are capped PER DAY, not total. You can't have an income higher than 50 caps per day, no matter how many more shops you build, or if you have 100 settlers using them.


But you still have up to 50 caps a day, no matter how many days worth of that accumulated. Whereas in your case it sounds like zero, which is definitely not right.

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