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help setting up a .nif for a custom weapon model?


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So I've modeled a kukri knife in 3ds max 2016 and textured it in Substance Painter 2. I exported it as a .nif from 3ds max using the .nif exporter for FO4 and 3ds max. I've been searching for the last couple of hours now trying to find a tutorial to set up weapon .nifs for FO4, but I haven't found any good ones. I'm fairly good with other file formats but I don't have a clue when it comes to .nifs. Any help with setting up the .nif correctly would be absolutely amazing!!


Thank you for you time :)

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I'm a desperate man right now, I'll do just about anything.


I just had a read through it. It provided some good info that will be useful in the future but unfortunately it's not what I'm looking for, It doesn't go into near enough detail on how to set up all the branches, nodes, shader properties etc.


Thank you for the help though, its provided some good info regardless :)

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