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Skyrim Legendary edition bug


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Hi everybody.


I meet a very annoying bug or glitch in Skyrim. For some reason when i switched on and off the Legendary edition unoffcial bug fix mod and reloaded the game the camera automaticly switch to 3th person view. When i switch it to 1st person with 'F' or with mouse wheel after a few seconds its returns into 3th person view. Even when you stay idle and the camera start circleing around you it switch back to the 3th person view. Even when i tryed the consol comand 'tfc' its jump back. I tryed turning into werewolf and try to go in to cinematic. Do you have any tips or suggestions how to fix this? It seems the previus saves dont have this bug but that is very far away. :sad:


Thanks the help.


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This might be a stupid question....but why are you turning the mod on and off? Are you actually looking for the bug that the patch is fixing? Also, if you're turning it on and off....are you logging off, turning it off in NMM/MO/Wrye, then logging back in?


I'm asking because I generally don't use the console commands to do anything other than a few gold or lockpick adds if I'm feeling lazy.

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