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What type of mods are "safe" to install?


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Hello i want to clean my skyrim a bit and i wonder which mods are safe to uninstall and which not ?


1.Followers? Ofc after dismiss them

2.Can i uninstall quest mods after finishing them?

3.NPC appearance for example i have mod that change appearance of every vanilla follower in game include Serana and one more mod that change only Serana appearance is it fine or should i uninstall one for them ?

4.Home,building mods ?

5.Mods like Immersive Patrols? :smile: i had Immersive Patrols but i uninstalled it ;/


Thx for answer :)

Edited by korbass11
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Mods that do not add any scripts should be "safe" to uninstall. Texture mods, and cosmetic mods in general, are safe to uninstall. The general rule of thumb though is if you have no intentions of losing the current save you are playing with, do not ever uninstall mods. You should do your mod play-testing before you begin your actual playthrough, and once you've decided on a load order you stick with it to the end. This is one of the reasons why I really like to use Mod Organizer, it makes it much easier to test my mods before adding them to my main profile.

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Mods that do not add any scripts should be "safe" to uninstall. Texture mods, and cosmetic mods in general, are safe to uninstall. The general rule of thumb though is if you have no intentions of losing the current save you are playing with, do not ever uninstall mods. You should do your mod play-testing before you begin your actual playthrough, and once you've decided on a load order you stick with it to the end. This is one of the reasons why I really like to use Mod Organizer, it makes it much easier to test my mods before adding them to my main profile.

Ok so basically every mod that have scripts folder should stay to the end, i also use Mod Organizer how about unchecking them is it same as uninstalling ?

Edited by korbass11
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When you uncheck a mod in Mod Organizer, you are just disabling it. It will not load in your game, so it's a lot like uninstalling a mod. But because you didn't actually delete the files, it is really easy to just check it again and it re-enables instantly. NMM has a similar feature these days where you don't need to uninstall a mod to get it out of your load order, but it essentially behaves like you did. So in summary, it is not the same as actually uninstalling a mod, but it does stop it from loading in your game. Hopefully that makes sense.


And yes, scripted mods should stay in your load order. Removing them has the potential to hurt your save game. Some scripted mods have features that allow you to clean up their leftover scripts prior to uninstalling them, which is great, but generally you should probably just keep them. No point in risking it.

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If a mod does not have scripts its usually safe to unistall, but a mod that have scripts have always the possibility to cause issues on your save.

So, I recommend this Tool you can download on nexus:


The Save Game Script Tool will remove any "orphans" scripts(leftovers of a scripted mod)
and also backs up your save automatically(if you want, you can uncheck the option while the tool is open)

It will basically clean your save of any script leftover so you can safelly play it without getting CTD etc.

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Abandon the idea of disabling and uninstalling mods while you're still playing a particular character. The time to change mods is when you start a new character.


The only mods that are fully safe to uninstall would be simple texture replacers, game settings changes, and others that simply modify existing game elements in very limited ways. Any mod that adds anything new or makes substantial changes (which includes mods that add or modify scripts) will be a problem if you try to continue playing the game without them.


People keep talking about scripts being the problem, but there are multiple other things can can cause problems. And when it comes to scripts it's entirely possible that scripts from one mod can be expecting objects from another mod. If you remove that second mod you'll still have problems even if it didn't have any scripts of its own.

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Abandon the idea of disabling and uninstalling mods while you're still playing a particular character. The time to change mods is when you start a new character.


The only mods that are fully safe to uninstall would be simple texture replacers, game settings changes, and others that simply modify existing game elements in very limited ways. Any mod that adds anything new or makes substantial changes (which includes mods that add or modify scripts) will be a problem if you try to continue playing the game without them.


People keep talking about scripts being the problem, but there are multiple other things can can cause problems. And when it comes to scripts it's entirely possible that scripts from one mod can be expecting objects from another mod. If you remove that second mod you'll still have problems even if it didn't have any scripts of its own.

Well the problem is i never actually finished skyrim i dont want to lose save but i have problem with ctd's and i trying to fix it somehow ;/

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