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Bee keeping script


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Scriptname BeeHive1 extends ObjectReference


Import Utility

Ingredient Property queenbee auto

Ingredient Property workerbee auto

Ingredient Property dronebee auto

Ingredient Property BeeHoneyComb auto


Message Property Beedead Auto

Message Property Beealive Auto

Message Property BeeSuccess Auto

Message Property BeeFail Auto

Message Property beehivestarted Auto

Message Property hivenotready Auto

ObjectReference Property honeyhive1 auto


float CheckTime ; the only status variable needed


Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)


if akActionRef != Game.GetPlayer() ; do not let other NPCs trigger this




if (honeyhive1.GetItemCount(queenbee) == 1 && honeyhive1.GetItemCount(workerbee) == 1000 && honeyhive1.GetItemCount(dronebee) == 1 && CheckTime == 0.0) ;checktime is 0.0 on first activation by default

CheckTime = 72.0 + Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 ; converts days to hours basically converts days to hours but had a issue using days so i just made 3 days 72 hours

beehivestarted.Show() ;displays beehive is ready




if (honeyhive1.GetItemCount(queenbee) == 1 && honeyhive1.GetItemCount(workerbee) == 1000 && honeyhive1.GetItemCount(dronebee) == 1 && Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 >= CheckTime) ;if 72 hours has passed when this is activated again do this section

CheckTime = 0.0 ; reset for next time

int killchance = Utility.RandomInt(0, 2) ;

if(killchance == 0)

int deadworkers = Utility.RandomInt(1, 100)

honeyhive1.removeItem(workerbee, deadworkers)

int deadqueen = Utility.RandomInt(0, 1)

honeyhive1.removeItem(queenbee, deadqueen)

honeyhive1.removeItem(dronebee, 1)

Beedead.Show(deadworkers, deadqueen)

elseif(killchance == 2)

int deadworkers = Utility.RandomInt(1, 100)

honeyhive1.removeItem(workerbee, deadworkers)

int deadqueen = Utility.RandomInt(0, 1)

honeyhive1.removeItem(queenbee, deadqueen)

honeyhive1.removeItem(dronebee, 1)

Beedead.Show(deadworkers, deadqueen)

elseif(killchance == 1)



;the basic above section gets a count of the bees in the hive/container

then it uses random numbers to decide if some of the bees die or live in

in the honey making process and it gives results in a message box


honeyhive1.addItem(workerbee, 1100)

honeyhive1.addItem(queenbee, 8)

honeyhive1.addItem(dronebee, 5)

honeyhive1.addItem(BeeHoneyComb, 4)


;this is the rewards added to the hive/container once 72 hours pass and death of bees are decided i give back bees probably need to make returns less so its harder

to harvest them




if (honeyhive1.GetItemCount(queenbee) == 1 && honeyhive1.GetItemCount(workerbee) == 1000 && honeyhive1.GetItemCount(dronebee) == 1 && Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 < CheckTime) ;if correct ammount of items are in hive/container but time hasnt been reached.. display a message saying so








It works sorta it gives items but when I click it to start the process it'll do the farm start and tell me to wait longer... is that becauseI'm not using elseif I'm confused on that a little tried changing it to else ifs but has issues there too.



Basically it's a container with a activator beside of it when you click activator it checks for those item counts then it'll set a time for 72 hours then if you click it before it's time it should say it's not ready but only if you leave the same ammount of items in it


Idea is to keep same items in it at all times once 72 hours is up it'll give items it does but the other thing about it not being time comes up when I start the beehive up I'm guessing itchecks all if conditions and does them at the same time maybe


Also need a else statement for if there item counts are anything other than what is set


So if you don't have right combo of items it will not do anything it'll make you get right item ammounts



Also how would I be able to check to see if only just those items are in there and nothing else like if I set to certain bees in container but nothing else to be in it but them??



This has to be something simple

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Here is your script with some modifications. The item checks since they were duplicated across all time checks were moved to their own 'if' statement. This allows you to use an 'else' to be able to do processing whenever the item amounts are not what you want. Also, the code currently requires that the player re-activate in order to restart the 72 hour process over again. You may wish to advance the CheckTime variable another 72 hours after a successful use.



Scriptname BeeHive1 extends ObjectReference 

Import Utility
Ingredient Property queenbee auto
Ingredient Property workerbee auto
Ingredient Property dronebee auto
Ingredient Property BeeHoneyComb auto

Message Property Beedead Auto
Message Property Beealive Auto
Message Property BeeSuccess Auto
Message Property BeeFail Auto
Message Property beehivestarted Auto
Message Property hivenotready Auto
ObjectReference Property honeyhive1 auto

float CheckTime ; the only status variable needed

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	if akActionRef != Game.GetPlayer() ; do not let other NPCs trigger this
	if honeyhive1.GetItemCount(queenbee) == 1 && honeyhive1.GetItemCount(workerbee) == 1000 && honeyhive1.GetItemCount(dronebee) == 1 
		If CheckTime == 0.0 
			CheckTime = 72.0 + Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0 
		Elseif ((Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0) >= CheckTime) 
			CheckTime = 0.0 
			int killchance = Utility.RandomInt(0, 2) ;
			if(killchance == 0)
				int deadworkers = Utility.RandomInt(1, 100)
				honeyhive1.removeItem(workerbee, deadworkers)
				int deadqueen = Utility.RandomInt(0, 1)
				honeyhive1.removeItem(queenbee, deadqueen)
				honeyhive1.removeItem(dronebee, 1)
				Beedead.Show(deadworkers, deadqueen)
			elseif(killchance == 2)
				int deadworkers = Utility.RandomInt(1, 100)
				honeyhive1.removeItem(workerbee, deadworkers)
				int deadqueen = Utility.RandomInt(0, 1)
				honeyhive1.removeItem(queenbee, deadqueen)
				honeyhive1.removeItem(dronebee, 1)
				Beedead.Show(deadworkers, deadqueen)	
			elseif(killchance == 1)
			honeyhive1.addItem(workerbee, 1100)
			honeyhive1.addItem(queenbee, 8)
			honeyhive1.addItem(dronebee, 5)
			honeyhive1.addItem(BeeHoneyComb, 4)
		Elseif ((Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() * 24.0) < CheckTime) 
		;not correct amount of each item 
		;do whatever here



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Thx for the reply guys Also, the code currently requires that the player re-activate in order to restart the 72 hour process over again. You may wish to advance the CheckTime variable another 72 hours after a successful use. Don't think I understand about advancing.. or what you meant by that
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What I meant is...

CheckTime is 0.0 by default

First activation sets CheckTime to 72 hours later

Activation after 72 hours has passed sets CheckTime to 0.0


Under that scenario, if player needs/wants to use the device again in another 72 hours they have to activate the device in order to set CheckTime to 72 hours later.


If the purpose of the device is to allow the player to do something at least every 72 hours, you may wish to cut out an extra step for the player by setting CheckTime to 72 hours later when they activate after the first 72 hours has passed.

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