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Fallout 3: Survivor (Machinima,looking for future voice actors)


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Greetings all!


My name is Gguy (This is the account of my friend Charles,as i do not have one) and i am a machinima director,graphics designer,metalhead,biker...among other things. I personally have around 10 years of experience with machinima direction and just general software related knowledge. I am mostly a one man army...i personally do : story writing,character development,artwork (in the form of intros,outros and logos) among other things. Though while i proudly have a deep and harsh voice...it is not really "expandable",meaning i require voice actors to bring life into my characters. About a year and a half ago i was proudly filming the "Ring of Langmar" Skyrim series,but after failing to find voice actors with the right voices and decent equipment...the series never gotten beyond 1 bellow average episode...


After a very long break,i have started working on "Fallout 3: Survivor",a series that is in its bare bones for now (few recorded clips and a few ideas). But...back to why i am here,the nexus community has developed alot of mods in the past years,and while this isn't a mod,it still requires good voice actors...


This series might go anywhere,might go nowhere...but will do the best possible to try and get it there,here is the basic concept of the story:


The story takes place 2 years after the events of fallout 3,the first footage shows a wastelander just returning from a hunting trip. The main character goes to his hideout in an old fortified church and rests for the night after smoking,organizing his weapons and listening to the radio. During the night,he is woken up by a noise and quickly notices that someone is trying steal from him. The lady opens up a crate and finds an old Enclave power armour helmet and is quickly shocked at the owner of the hideout,she gets knocked out later on and wakes up in the morning. The woman finds out that the wastelander is Ex enclave,one that still belives in the states. He tries to get rid of her first,but after she saves his life in an unexpected battle...he keeps her around and their wasteland travels begin...


the following characters are going to be the main of the series,i'l list their personalities and faces so that you can better see what voice would fit them. I highly suggest that you have a decent microphone and atleast some basic experience in acting.


Main Character:

Name: Mike Morrow

Age: 41

Affiliation: Ex Enclave,wastelander

Traits: Has an American accent,usually shows no emotion (Even in his facial expressions) has military training and has a patriotic background.


Main supporting character:



Name: Anna Holt

Age: 38

Affiliation: Scavenger,thief

Traits: Brave,greedy,peacefull






To apply for a spot,just list your info and the position you want to try down bellow. You can also contact me at Contactgstudios@gmail.com




while ring of langmar never went anywhere,here is one of the trailers incase you want to watch something quick and interesting:

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