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Lighting issue on textures, GIMP not good for Fallout 4 ?

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EDIT : I already found out what was causing the issue. It wasn't GIMP, it was Bodyslide Studio's option to "Smooth out Normal (maps)".


Hi there,


was hoping someone has an advice on how to fix this small annoying issue with textures.


I use GIMP and for every diffuse map, I use DXT1 as format, while for specular maps I use BCT5/ATI2 (3DC). The issue however is that I get these lighting glitches that make things black where they shouldn't be. You can see the gun having wrong lighting when I use my custom textures.


This does not happen with the vanilla textures, but if I export the vanilla textures to any format (DXT1/DXT3/DXT5 and so on...), I get the same issue. I tried every format I can and the lighting issue is always there. Is GIMP simply not exporting the textures correctly? Because it's quite weird that even exporting the original textures causes this issue.


Is GIMP making the mistake here by not exporting correctly or am I missing some important detail ?








EDIT : So, after some informating digging, apparently there are DX11 export options which export in BC7 and GIMP apparently does not support these textures. I'm guessing this is the whole reason why my textures have bad lighting on some parts. I guess in order to properly make textures, Photoshop is needed.

Edited by crimsomrider
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I don't even see what's wrong with the weapon in the screenshot provided. BC1/DXT1 is sufficient for diffuse maps for weapons.


Photoshop (CS2) can be gotten for free, and is superior to GIMP in every imaginable way.


Well, what's wrong is marked by the red arrows ^^


You can see the lighting on the wooden grip being wrong. It is creating black edges at the top and making it look like the wood is snapped.


But I figured out what's causing it and it looks like it's the mesh of the bipod that I added onto the rifle. After some extensive investigation, the problem originated in Bodyslide Studio (which I use for mesh combining). Apparently, it always turns on the option which smooths out seams on a normal map and that's what was causing the issue. Once I turned it off and exported the mesh, the problem was gone.







Edited by crimsomrider
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If you are saving a diffuse texture that has alpha, correct. Not so much for diffuse textures without alpha or for specular and normal maps.


Otherwise this is just spreading misinformation.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! For weeks and months I've been trying to get the textures for my mod to work as they should. I was always told to use dxt5, and I too thought that Gimp didn't export the textures properly. So simple - dxt1, no alpha channel! Thank you!

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