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c++ r6025 runtime error at a certain point


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it was during nightinggale quest, in dwemer ruin, where the falmers and a centurion there, when they and my allies are fighting. I saved right before and loaded 4 times and it happened everytime. I didnt have this problem during dawnguard (but I saw many ppl saying this is almost related with dawnguard dlc). I just passed that point by looking at the wall. after that point, it doesnt bring random ctd or freeze yet, but its still stressful because it can be caused anytime. anyone knows the certain solution for this problem?? Edited by ckhong87
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next time:

Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp<----do this after ASIS remember to regenerate FNIS.
ASIS.esp<---do this then first then DSR
SkyRE-Patch.esp<----you don't have SkyRe.
Did you sort the load order using LOOT?
In skyrimprefs.ini
fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=10000000.0000<---set to 12000.0000
fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=10000000.0000<---set to 16896.0000
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