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Help Using FO4Edit to Make a Replacer Mod


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Put simply, Id like to learn how to completely replace one weapons existence in the game with a weapon mod.


Specifically i want to replace the in game semi-auto and full-auto pipe rifle/pistol with YonaTakus' "Defense Gun"




I THINK the simplest way to do this would be to change the form id call from the old weapon to the new one.


Problem is i dont know how to do that. I would appreciate any and all help with this.


Thank you in advance.

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When it comes to replacing placed references, that's easy. Simply change the "NAME" element in all REFR records.


A small excerpt-come-example from one of my scripts:



eName := ElementBySignature(e, 'NAME');
    strName := GetEditValue(eName);
    for iCounter := 0 to iNumEntriesInList - 1 do begin
        if strName = tstrlistOriginal[iCounter] then //Compare the reference's placed object. If it matches an entry in our list
            SetEditValue(eName, tstrlistReplace[iCounter]); //Replace it with the object in our second list


The whole script:





unit userscript;

    tstrlistOriginal, tstrlistReplace: TStringList;
    //tstrlistOriginal Will contain all the NAME values that we're looking for.
    //tstrlistReplace Will contain the ones we want to change them to.
    //It's done on a line by line basis. The script looks through each line in
    //tstrlistOriginal. Once it finds a match with the currently selected record,
    //it looks in tstrlistReplace at the same line number, to get the replacement.
    iNumEntriesInList: integer;

function Initialize: integer;

    tstrlistOriginal := TStringList.Create;
    tstrlistOriginal.LoadFromFile(ProgramPath + 'Edit Scripts\FyTy\NAME Replace - Source.txt');
    tstrlistReplace := TStringList.Create;
    tstrlistReplace.LoadFromFile(ProgramPath + 'Edit Scripts\FyTy\NAME Replace - Replacement.txt');
    iNumEntriesInList := tstrlistOriginal.Count;

function Process(e: IInterface): integer;
    eName: IInterface;
    strName: string;
    iCounter: integer;
    if Signature(e) <> 'ACHR' then
        if Signature(e) <> 'REFR' then
  AddMessage('Processing: ' + FullPath(e));

    eName := ElementBySignature(e, 'NAME');
    strName := GetEditValue(eName);
    for iCounter := 0 to iNumEntriesInList - 1 do begin
        if strName = tstrlistOriginal[iCounter] then
            SetEditValue(eName, tstrlistReplace[iCounter]);

function Finalize: integer;





As for changing entries in leveled lists and NPC inventories, it's pretty much the same gig, but you have to loop through all the entries in NPC inventories, in form lists and in leveled items.


Here's the documentation for xEdit scripting: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=TES5Edit_Scripting_Functions


Luckily, this is a really easy task, so it's a good first-time foray into scripting with pascal.

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